I can't decide between some EMG-81s or JB and Jazz. All of your opinions would be useful. I have only played on each kind of pickup once and I did notice quite a difference between the two. I know EMG-81s have more output and all. I've always been a fan of the Megadeth sound and Mustaine used Duncans. On the contrary I've heard EMG-81s are more versatile than Duncans. I would like it do be able to do more than just heavy metal. The Dinky has EMG-HZ pickups in it right now which of course aren't bad I just need to get a little better sound for recording coming up in a few months. I play alot of metal but also alot of hard-rock stuff like Satriani and Van Halen. So which ones would some of you guys pick? Thanks.
I definetly don't think the EMG's are more versatile than the Duncan's, but they are both good options.
I would personally go with the JB / Jazz combo. I really like the 81 as a bridge pickup and it has great output, and harmonics, and cleans, but I still prefer the JB. Tone wise the JB definetly has it goin' on.
And since your name is Megadeth and Mustaine used the JB/Jazz, you have to get the Duncans
Rock On
Ok. Thanks. I see you're from Galesburg, IL. Cherry Street Guitars is a great shop, if you've heard of it.
One more question. Is there going to be a huge difference in tonality and sound from the JB/Jazz compared to these EMG HZs? HZs tend to get a little muddy at times for me.
Yes the JB will certainly be an improvement over the HZ pickups..........when speaking emg's i only consider their active range................the HZ series are not as good as passive duncans.
Emg Hz = $h*t
You can't go wrong either way IMO.JB/Jazz will get you good a good metal sound that will do hard rock and have good cleans and so will an EMG 81/60 combo.
for the tones you are after the JB/JAZZ set is PERFECT!
and this is comin from a primary EMG user
see my sig i have two lesters with the EMG's but one has the JB/jazz
and it sounds killer and is more versilte than my EMG loaded lesters.
I think the JB is THEE passive pup and the jazz is a perfect compliment to it in the neck
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
EMG or Duncans for my DKMGT Dinky?