
what does the Lead channel sound like?

anybody have any clips or anything you could post please?

Originally Posted by wixomwhatwhat does the Lead channel sound like?

anybody have any clips or anything you could post please?hey man after having a few amps i ended up with a delta blues 210, basically the same amp.

and i really dig it man

but i prefer a darker bluesier kinda amp, and it really fits, i am sure there has to be a peavey dealer there somewhere, they are EVERYWHERE!

I've got a classic 50 2x12. Good amp overall and fairly flexible. Cleans are between a Fender and a Vox. Distortion is very 6L6 sounding. Kind of a loose overdrive and not very crunchy. Good for classic rock or blues, but definitely not good for metal IMHO.

thanks for the replies guys!

I'd like to check one of these out for sure. I'd go for the head not the combo though. I'll have to find a dealer beucase the 2 that were around are both closed now

I really need get a new 4x12 first though.

I have the Classic 30 combo and a Classic 50 head that i run thru a 5150 cab.... Not exactly metal amps but they are kind of cool for classic rock sounds... Great cleans is what i love the most about them but the Lead channel can be very fun.... Once you get them turned up i find myself turning the pre gain back pretty far! They come to life with some volume!!!

Add a Tube Screamer for solos..... neat stuff... I only wish they had slightly more bottom end to them... which could be a mod i could have done for myself..


If you want schematics and mods for the Classic 30 or 50, go to blue guitar and look up what you need. There are quite a few nice mods for both guitars.

If your looking for a new Classic 50 head, your out of luck. They were discontinued a while ago.

Originally Posted by Gr8ScottIf you want schematics and mods for the Classic 30 or 50, go to blue guitar and look up what you need. There are quite a few nice mods for both guitars.

Thanks... are there any secertes to soldering irons and circuitboards when modding Amps? I have a bunch of low wattage irons, 25-40watters.. But how hard is it to solder on the circuitboards?

Originally Posted by ShnookIf your looking for a new Classic 50 head, your out of luck. They were discontinued a while ago.

yeah i know.

If I was going to buy one it would be from ebay.

The store I work at still has a brand new classic 50 head with warranty.Originally Posted by ShnookIf your looking for a new Classic 50 head, your out of luck. They were discontinued a while ago.

Originally Posted by WhoFanThanks... are there any secertes to soldering irons and circuitboards when modding Amps? I have a bunch of low wattage irons, 25-40watters.. But how hard is it to solder on the circuitboards?

I've decided to mod my classic 50 a little, so I'll let you know once I'm done. I'll take pics of what I do and post them when I'm done.

The PV Classics are totally underrated amps...highly versatile and IMHO probably about as close as you'll ever get to having a Marshall amp; Fender in one box for under $1000. The lead channel can go from slightly breaking up to early Van Halen amp; Alice in Chains territory. It's a little raspy and jagged at high gain but sometimes that's kinda cool. I’ve got a ton of stuff here from a ’62 Blonde Bandmaster to Rivera amp; modded Marshalls, Boogie, VHT…that little Classic always manages to hang with 'em and for some stuff, it's even better then the boutique amps. As always, YMMV.

One thing though...the stock speakers on the combos really blow. Years ago I swapped out the stock 2x12's for a pair of Celestion 75's that were laying around and the amp sounded a 1000 times better. Way more open amp; full, bottom end got deeper, midrange was clearer and the top wasn't murky anymore!

Originally Posted by J MooseThe PV Classics are totally underrated amps...highly versatile and IMHO probably about as close as you'll ever get to having a Marshall amp; Fender in one box for under $1000. The lead channel can go from slightly breaking up to early Van Halen amp; Alice in Chains territory. It's a little raspy and jagged at high gain but sometimes that's kinda cool. I’ve got a ton of stuff here from a ’62 Blonde Bandmaster to Rivera amp; modded Marshalls, Boogie, VHT…that little Classic always manages to hang with 'em and for some stuff, it's even better then the boutique amps. As always, YMMV.

One thing though...the stock speakers on the combos really blow. Years ago I swapped out the stock 2x12's for a pair of Celestion 75's that were laying around and the amp sounded a 1000 times better. Way more open amp; full, bottom end got deeper, midrange was clearer and the top wasn't murky anymore!does this apply to the classic 4x12 also? I heard those were good 4x12's, do they have the same speakers as the combos do?

Originally Posted by wixomwhatdoes this apply to the classic 4x12 also? I heard those were good 4x12's, do they have the same speakers as the combos do?

I dunno...The 12quot; PV Sheffields in the old 5150 cabs are pretty decent. To my ears they sound 'better' then the Celestion 75's which are really scooped but I like having midrange in my tone. If you meant the 4x10 Classic's...yeah...I'd probably swap those out for something else. The quot;badquot; speakers don't have a label on them and are painted black.

While we're on the subject, does anyone have a good recommendation for a 15quot; for the 30 watt DeltaBlues combo? I've owned it for a couple years and the stock speaker annoys the hell out of me. I'm looking for something that won't break up too easily when pushed so I can retain some headroom on the clean channel and ideally won't cost more then $100 tacos.

I've been thinking of swaping the speaker out of my Classic 30 combo.... first i need tubes but i have thought about changing the speaker... My Classic 50 head thru my little Marshall 1912 1x12 cab rocks!!! Love that sound........

Originally Posted by WhoFanI've been thinking of swaping the speaker out of my Classic 30 combo.... first i need tubes but i have thought about changing the speaker... My Classic 50 head thru my little Marshall 1912 1x12 cab rocks!!! Love that sound........

The Classic 30 has a 12quot; right? Drop a 75 watt Celestion in there...that's what's in the Marshall cab. Those amps operate on a fixed bias so you can change the tubes yourself too.

Originally Posted by J MooseThe Classic 30 has a 12quot; right? Drop a 75 watt Celestion in there...that's what's in the Marshall cab. Those amps operate on a fixed bias so you can change the tubes yourself too.

The Classic 50 has a switch on the back for cab loads... 4/8/16..... The little 1912 cab has an 8 ohm 150 watt speaker in it so i throw the switch on the back to 8... The Classic 30 combo has a 16 ohm single 12... using an 8 ohm Celestion speaker in an amp meant for 16 is not good... Unless i can find a 16 ohm version of the same Celestion speaker you are talking about....

I have changed tubes before in my Classic head head and my 5150 head... I just buy them and throw them in as the Peavey tech i bought the stuff from told me that they are self Biasing... But i hear Matched tubes can make a difference.....

Ive been playing one for about 2 years i always had problems with the shared EQ with the clean and overdrive channels, the clean was to middy for jangly sparkly clean tones more of a thick jazzy clean tone, the lead channel sounded very harsh with not much bottom end and a muddy topend, i had a tube swap to JJ tubes in both pre and power amps, which helped the clarity in the top end and improved note separation.

But i still found the amp had to much mids and the bottom end wasnt very tight, especially with the gain above 2:00 oclock, so i got the blue mods done to it which helped again but i still wasnt happy, so i went and bought a new amp which is 20 watts and defintely sounds alot more like me (the tubes start working at a lower volume level which is a better way to go).

If u like a fairly mid focused sounding amp and are not intending to get a nice tight tone or useable metal tone then i recommend this amp. But i have tried a classic 30 and I like that better.

Originally Posted by wixomwhatdoes this apply to the classic 4x12 also? I heard those were good 4x12's, do they have the same speakers as the combos do?

The Classic 412 used Sheffield 1230 Speakers which are way better than the Blue Marvels that come stock. But they're pretty resonable to buy separately, compared to Celestions or Eminences...

On a side note, if anyone finds a Classic 100 head, that's the one to get. 8 EL84 power tubes. Talk about Smooth....

Originally Posted by pinto79The Classic 412 used Sheffield 1230 Speakers which are way better than the Blue Marvels that come stock. But they're pretty resonable to buy separately, compared to Celestions or Eminences...

On a side note, if anyone finds a Classic 100 head, that's the one to get. 8 EL84 power tubes. Talk about Smooth....

In the last 10 years i have only ever seen 2 Classic 100 heads and that was at Peavey in 1995..... looking back i wish i had bought it! I bought my Classic 50 head and my 5150 half stack from Peavey's old Canadian warehouser ten years ago.. The 5150 cab was an artist loaner. ..$200Canadian..... The 5150 head was taken away from a store that owed them money and i got it for $450.... then the Classic 50 head was a repaired item that was also an old artist loaner...$250canadian..... The C50 still had tape stuck to it for the roadies to mark the place where to place each dial on the amp.

Steller prices for great amps!!!! But while i was there at the Peavey warehouse they lead me into a huge office board room at the front of the building that had nothing but amps amps and more amps..... At the time the guy had been given permission to unload all this gear that had been piled up and it that could not be sold for new... In this room they had Classic 50 and 100 heads.... Classic 20, 30, and 50 combos of all types.... They had 2 5150 cabs and looking back i am kicking myself i didn't buy the other cab!!! It was only $200 too..... I bought the only 5150 head they had to get rid of. They did have ton's of solid state stuff.... they had a 2x12 solid state chorus amp that knocked my socks off for a clean tone and the volume that thing put out!!!! Man that would of been a neet amp.... i also could of bought a bunch of 80's discontinued Peavey guitar models... Later when i phoned back to see if i could buy some more stuff it was gone.... someone came in and wiped them clean.... Wish i could of bought some of the new amps too but they would not sell me any new amps... Had to go thru a dealer for that

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