I have a couple of pickups in my Tele that are microphonic. What causes it? Will repotting the pickups cure the problem?
Gripweed, there are others far more technical than I, but if I understand correctly, the individual wires in the PUP are being vibrated, much like the body of a guitar vibrates with feedback.
There are 2 ways to stop it that I know of..pot the pickups (usually emersing them in wax) or try a different PUP-
If you go for potting, read up because it can change the soudn and you can melt the whole thing if you aren't careful-
Hope this helps
Telecasters in particular are prone to microphonic howling using when using high gain and high volume. I have a MIJ 52 Tele RI that was really giving me a fit with this. I removed the PUPS and waxed dipped them and the problem is considerably better. I am also in the process of replacing the PUPs in this guitar just waiting for the PUPS. IF you do not want to replace the PUPS Wax dip them it should be fine after that. Do a search here for wax potting PUPS you will find all the info you need to do it yourself!
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
What causes a pickup to go microphonic?