
What the difference between the EH Small Stone phasers besides the extra $15 for the USA version? Which one do you recommend? or would you recommend another that's under 90 american clams.

Originally Posted by Guitar ToadWhat the difference between the EH Small Stone phasers besides the extra $15 for the USA version? Which one do you recommend? or would you recommend another that's under 90 american clams.

phase kit is on quot;backorderquot; for two weeks, but the reason for that is he's getting a new kit put together. The new kit is based off of the old MXR Script Phase 90's (the original), but has a Speed knob, Depth Knob, switch to switch between phase 90 or phase 45, and it will also have a switch which would give the phaser a vibe-esque sound. All of his other builds are either 65 or 75, my guess is this shouldn't exceed 80 dollars. And if you dont want to put it together yourself, you can order one prebuilt. Definately something to consider.

If you go to the website, there isnt any info on the site about it, but Keith (the owner) talks about the plans for his new kits (a new boost, a new phase, and a new chorus) that will be available shortly. Just a suggestion.


Originally Posted by joelapphase kit is on quot;backorderquot; for two weeks, but the reason for that is he's getting a new kit put together. The new kit is based off of the old MXR Script Phase 90's (the original), but has a Speed knob, Depth Knob, switch to switch between phase 90 or phase 45, and it will also have a switch which would give the phaser a vibe-esque sound. All of his other builds are either 65 or 75, my guess is this shouldn't exceed 80 dollars. And if you dont want to put it together yourself, you can order one prebuilt. Definately something to consider.

If you go to the website, there isnt any info on the site about it, but Keith (the owner) talks about the plans for his new kits (a new boost, a new phase, and a new chorus) that will be available shortly. Just a suggestion.


Thanks for the suggestion Joe, it would sure be fun to build one, I had actually been considering some other pedals from the site.

Have you built one of their phase pedals?

Todd...I had both an original 70's Small Stone as well as a USA reissue and I currently have anm older (taller) MIR black reissue...I loved all 3 of them and IMO there is very little tonal difference in the 3. The only thing I really prefer about the USA reissue is that they are a little smaller...Im not sure about the new (shorter) MIR reissues, but I do love my older MIR. You could also look out for a much older Green reissue..those kick ass!

Originally Posted by Guitar ToadThanks for the suggestion Joe, it would sure be fun to build one, I had actually been considering some other pedals from the site.

Have you built one of their phase pedals?

I've built their rangemaster clone which is now discontinued and it was extremely easy to build. It worked on the first assembly, no troubleshooting needed. It was frustrating at first, but looking back it was seriously fun and well worth the investment of time to learn how to do it. I highly suggest it.

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