Anybody know how he gets it? I'm pretty sure he plays a Twin Reverb, but what's his guitar, OD pedals, etc.
I've got a GP that does a complete breakdown of all his gear... gimme a minute...
help JB?!
I know that he uses some sort of semihollow guitar . . . and compression . . .
I have that issue too, let me find it
Originally Posted by GuitarStvI know that he uses some sort of semihollow guitar . . . and compression . . .
2 one off Languedoc guitars built by his tech Paul Languedoc. SD '59/JB on one of the guitars. AnalogMan Dynaross compressor ( clone of the Ross Compressor ) and two AnalogMan Ibanez TS-9/808 Silver Tubescreamer. A Teese RMC 3 wah housed in a plain black dunlop case. Modified Fender Deluxe Reverb amp with NOS 1940's military RCA 6V6's with frosted glass, Bruno 4x12 cabinet with Celestion G12 Alnico speakers.
Here are some pics for you...
Trey's PedalsTrey's Teese RMC3 Wah housed in a Dunlop Case and two AnalogMan TS9/808 Silver TubescreamersTrey's TS9/808 settingsTrey busting out a solo with the TS9/808's
looksa like a lot of it is covered...I'll add this. Trey uses Deluxe Revereb reissues...not Twins
Trey uses these Custom compressors both live and in the studio.AnalogMan DynaRoss Compressor ( Ross Compressor Clone )AnalogMan BiComprossor ( DynaRoss and Comprossor in one pedal )
Originally Posted by Boleslaw Gers 666The key is the compression. I can get his tone really closely just using my solidbody strat with humbuckers and using my dynacomp. But the comprossor (Ross clone) from Analogman is probably the best way to get near his tone if you can afford it. His Languedocs are true hollowbodies with PAF style pickups usually (JB/'59 sounds like it would work). He also uses Golden 50 pickups that you can get online from Stewart McDonald. He uses 2mm Dunlop Adamas graphite picks and light gauge DR strings. If you have a hollowbody you can get really close, but the way he gets that sustain and that trademark tone he has is not only from his one-of-a-kind guitar but from his compressor. What kind of guitar/amp are you playing? P.S. I just saw him at the Fox Theatre here in Atlanta and the show was kickass. You should see him on this tour, preferably when he's still touring with the John Butler Trio.
I use a surfer stratgt;Vox V847 wahgt;Spina TS9gt;Blackface 40 watt bandmaster.
Really smooth OD tones, i guess the compressor would top it off.
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
Trey Anastasio tone