
Well I am about to make a Vox voiced overdrive.
Made the first prototype by now, and it is housed in a Plexitone box
from : localhost/

What amp/guitar did you use on that recording?
I think it sounded great overall, though some of the high-gain chords were a little bit undefined. The leads sounded good though. My personal favorite stuff was all the mid-gain doodling.

Originally Posted by RidWell I am about to make a Vox voiced overdrive.
Made the first prototype by now, and it is housed in a Plexitone box
from : localhost/Liked the tone,but it sounded kinda compressed? Did you compress the signal on purpose....Maybe I thought the tone was a bit quot;hi fiquot; but the vibe is there...

though some of the high-gain chords were a little bit undefined

High gain??
What high it is so lowgain...just saturated like those old ac-30's
EL-84's are headroom in amps like that..hehe
They are not defined when used as combo's, those old bulldogs are funny speakers, just trying to get the right vibe, the head version on a 4x12 on the other hand is cool
Well the slight quot;hi.fiquot; is on purpose, had it that going on in every single ac-30 I have used, it is that funny glassy mini el-34 sound those el-84's have.
But it depends on what amp is used.
Anyways this was just one setup with a open back
That is diffuse by its very nature.
Will get some more done soon, thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by RidHigh gain??
What high it is so lowgain...just saturated like those old ac-30's
EL-84's are headroom in amps like that..hehe
They are not defined when used as combo's, those old bulldogs are funny speakers, just trying to get the right vibe, the head version on a 4x12 on the other hand is cool
Well the slight quot;hi.fiquot; is on purpose, had it that going on in every single ac-30 I have used, it is that funny glassy mini el-34 sound those el-84's have.
But it depends on what amp is used.
Anyways this was just one setup with a open back
That is diffuse by its very nature.
Will get some more done soon, thanks for the feedback.

RID......Buddy,please don't take my feedback negative...I really was just trying to give you an honest listening opinion about the clip....You sure have the AC30 Vox vibe nailed,but it's hard to tell sometimes with recordings and the crappy speakers we listen to music through...I Know you're cool with the feedbacks,but coming from me,I'm trying to be honest is all....

Don't worry, it is all cool
It is always the vibe that comes first, the sounds will be different anyways, depends on who is playing, what guitar is used, the amp.
Other factors that I have no control over really
To me an old ac-30 is slightly middy glassy with some funny wool in certain frequencies, it is all mixed up in a funny compressed way.
They do not have the same sound as Marshalls or Hiwatts, much softer amps, more nose and less defined, but still with that British vibe.
So I never worry too much about accurate sound, more about getting that funny feel those amps gives...eventhough it is kinda hard doing it that from a small red box
But it seems to be working, even our Rivera R55(which I hate like the plague) got that Vox vibe, and a KT-66 equipped amp behaved in the same manner, so something is working

Originally Posted by RidDon't worry, it is all cool
It is always the vibe that comes first, the sounds will be different anyways, depend on who is playing, what guitar is used, the amp.
Other factors that I have no control over really
To me an old ac-30 is slightly middy glassy with some funny wool in certain frequencies, it is all mixed up in a funny compressed way.
They do not have the same sound as Marshalls or Hiwatts, much softer amps, more nose and less defined, but still with that British vibe.
So I never worry too much about accurate sound, more about getting that funny feel those amps gives...eventhough it is kinda hard doing it that from a small red box
But it seems to be working, even our Rivera R55(which I hate like the plague) got that Vox vibe, and a KT-66 equipped amp behaved in the same manner, so something is working

If your Vox pedal sounds as good as your Plexitone pedal,I'll have to buy one...I know you'll have a winner in the Vox pedal though...

I thought that sounded pretty cool.

Thanks guys, it will pass by a few local players now, and one Vox fanatic as well
Let's see what they have to add, I hope that it will be ok.

I like it a lot, it has a chime which is very distinctive. You gotta run it with some Brian May like clips. I am looking forward to hearing more, this is gonna be a very cool pedal... When is the Hiwatt coming out?

What about a Selmer pedal

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