
i was wondering what neck pickup you are using with your C5? anyone using something diffrent than a '59?

Funny you should ask . . . just mated a C5 with a Distortion this weekend. Sounds outstanding.


Hay' Ez74
Had really good luck with a JAZZ, also; O'l Slash's [Gun's and Roses] --duty--
Alnico Pro-II--neck-- SWEET CHILD OF MINE TONE!!

APH and Pearly Gates get along well with the C5 as well. I think the Seth would work too.

I've got a Jazz/C5 set in my LP Standard at the moment. They sound great together.

Originally Posted by martinsixstringcustomsI've got a Jazz/C5 set in my LD Standard at the moment. They sound great together.

Me too!

thanks for the replies guys. I was kinda leaning towards a jazz also.

Jazz/C5 works well in my SG too.

If you like less bass in the neck pup then a Jazz would be nice choice, I have the 59N with my C5 in a McCarty and it really is a great match!

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