I have a like new (10 hours) swamp thang 8 ohms. I am looking to trade it for a g12h30 or hellatone 30. I am also interested in a v30 or hellatone 60. I want to see how they sound compared to my eminence governors and wizards. If I like them I could be selling one of my wizards or 1 of my governors so I can mix eminence and celestion models in one cab. Let me know people. Thanks
No one has a g12h30 or v30 for trade? WOW
Sorry for the hi-jack, but, could you tell me what you thought of the swamp thang, I have been considering one of these for a while now, INSTEAD of the G12H30.
Are you interested in trading for an Eminence Legend V12?
I already tried the v12. It reminds me of my wizard but darker and a lower bass frequency. I really like the swamp than especially mixed with my wizards but it made my cab so much louder than the governor/g12t75/manowar cab that I had to even things out. I am interested in seeing how the wizard sounds next to a g12h390 as I have not heard one.
The swamp thang has a ton of bass but a higher frequency than most speakers like the wizard. It has raunch and a good eq. It is a little less breakup gain than the red ryder (classic lead 80 clone) not as much as the wizard or governor. It also went well with a texas heat and governor.
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
Trade my 10 hour swamp thang for a g12h30, hellatone 30 or v30 /hellatone 60