
I've been having problems for quite some time with our neighbor and their CB radio hobby. The problem is that my amp (and everyone else's) picks up the CB radio transmissions, resulting in something similar to what happens on spinal tap. I've tried pretty much every non-drastic option to fix this, but since they're right next-door it's pretty much out of my control. Anyways, last night I was thinking, quot;Why not construct a Faraday Cage around the ampquot; that would eliminate pretty much any RF interference, and since i use shielded guitar cable, I should get fairly good results. I was curious to know if anyone else has had a similar problem, and what (if anything) they did to remedy it. I was thinking about building the Faraday Cage around my rack, or perhaps just creating a box large enough to hold a guitar head.

I know it's not the guitar, because it happens even when the guitar is not plugged in. any help would be appreciated, since the way I look at it is like this: They don't complain about the noise, I won't complain about their interference.

lol get a wireless system and give them a shot of it back

saying that, i think your power supply needs to be conditioned if a faraday cage is going to work.. something about the ac supply?


Place your Amp in the window facing there house and dime it... That should get there attention!

If his CB is giving you that much of a fit, he is probally running more watts than he is supposed to under law! Under FCC regulations, a CB radio can only put out 5 watts, he is probally running some sort of booster or has had his really worked on. You could easily contact the FCC and remain on the down low!!!! He will never know it was you!

Wrap your amp in tin foil.

He's probably over the limit as far as Xmtr power goes. Sick the authorities on him! There was a guy giving me fits (It was messing with AM radio reception) and they fixed his red wagon! It wouldn't have been so bad but he would yap all day long. He'd get up in the morning and play his kazoo and then put on a recording of The Good The Bad amp; The Ugly! Like it was his morning routine. He'd swear like a salior, and make ooohhh weee oh weaaa waaaa noises just to crack the mic! And he would brag about how much power his rig had and told people who would tell him to shutup that these were HIS airwaves and he'd do as he bleeping pleased. It was just him...I could never hear anybody he was talking to.

That would drive me insane. I'm already angry about my bad electricity, but a neighbor with a CB???? I can't tell you on the Forum what I'd do, but the problem would go away.

dime the amp and let him listen to himself haha

Originally Posted by Daveydime the amp and let him listen to himself haha


It's a little known fact but every once in awhile a thin metal object simular to a trim nail gets picked up by a gust of wind and flys through the air. If this flying object happens to pierce an antenna wire and shorts the sheilding to the antenna wire, it causes the finals in the radio to burn up. It doesn't do a 500 watt linear amp any good either.

I used to play with CBs quite a bit and CB owners hate when that happens.

yeah, pretty much all of those ideas have crossed my mind. regardless though, I'm very much concering building the Faraday cage into my actual rack. My biggest concern was the fact that I would like to be able to see my tuner, but i suppose i'll steal the window out of an old microwave and use that or somthing similar. I'll give it a try and post back on the results. and if it fails... well i guess it would be tragic for the neighbor to have somthing happen to his antena.

by the way - anyone know a place where i can get either copper screen or thin copper sheets for cheap?

I bet on the CB forum some dude is screaming about some idiots amp louder than acceptable DB levels.

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