I have a column of part no. and descriptions that are separated by a space. I
know how to separate them with the help of DATA/TEXT To COLUMN However when
I use the fixed option and move my vertical arrow to separate the part no.
and description I end up either not grabbing the whole part no. or the
description. Is there way I can add spaces /indent so that I can use that
Can you use the delimited option, and select space as the delimter?
quot;JRquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a column of part no. and descriptions that are separated by a space.
gt; know how to separate them with the help of DATA/TEXT To COLUMN However
gt; when
gt; I use the fixed option and move my vertical arrow to separate the part no.
gt; and description I end up either not grabbing the whole part no. or the
gt; description. Is there way I can add spaces /indent so that I can use that
gt; option?
I think I will step away from the PC right now. That worked.
quot;Beegequot; wrote:
gt; Can you use the delimited option, and select space as the delimter?
gt; Beege
gt; quot;JRquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have a column of part no. and descriptions that are separated by a space.
gt; gt;I
gt; gt; know how to separate them with the help of DATA/TEXT To COLUMN However
gt; gt; when
gt; gt; I use the fixed option and move my vertical arrow to separate the part no.
gt; gt; and description I end up either not grabbing the whole part no. or the
gt; gt; description. Is there way I can add spaces /indent so that I can use that
gt; gt; option?
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:10
Text To Columns