
I have a spread sheet which I keep a record of all my sowing (plants)
I want to keep an automatic seed stock count by varity how can I do this.
On my sheet i have
Batch No, Varity, Qty, Customer, Date Sown, Delivery Date,
12345 Bastile 100, van Dyke 12/12 25/02/06

What I want to do is every time I sow Bastile it automaticly takes the
amount off my stock on another sheet .We sow 25 varitys a day so can not
use cell No's must use names but how does excel do this as each name will not
apper in a set cel.
Help please thank you

Try approaching this with SUMIF. You can read about it's usage in Excel
help. You would need to change the qty for Bastile in your example below to
a negative number. The basic idea would be to subtract what you have used
with the SUMIF function.

Let me know if you have questions.
quot;Gimmequot; wrote:

gt; I have a spread sheet which I keep a record of all my sowing (plants)
gt; I want to keep an automatic seed stock count by varity how can I do this.
gt; On my sheet i have
gt; Batch No, Varity, Qty, Customer, Date Sown, Delivery Date,
gt; 12345 Bastile 100, van Dyke 12/12 25/02/06
gt; What I want to do is every time I sow Bastile it automaticly takes the
gt; amount off my stock on another sheet .We sow 25 varitys a day so can not
gt; use cell No's must use names but how does excel do this as each name will not
gt; apper in a set cel.
gt; Help please thank you


On Sheet2 have your Varieties and Opening Stock listed, but add 2 new
columns headed Planted and Balance
VarietyOp StockPlantedBalance

Formula in C2 =SUMIF(Sheet1!B:B,A2,Sheet1!C:C)
Formula in D2 =B2-C2


Roger GovierGimme wrote:
gt; I have a spread sheet which I keep a record of all my sowing (plants)
gt; I want to keep an automatic seed stock count by varity how can I do this.
gt; On my sheet i have
gt; Batch No, Varity, Qty, Customer, Date Sown, Delivery Date,
gt; 12345 Bastile 100, van Dyke 12/12 25/02/06
gt; What I want to do is every time I sow Bastile it automaticly takes the
gt; amount off my stock on another sheet .We sow 25 varitys a day so can not
gt; use cell No's must use names but how does excel do this as each name will not
gt; apper in a set cel.
gt; Help please thank you

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