I am trying to automatically update a summary worksheet. So basically
anytime one of the other worksheets are updated, this summary is changed.
Example, I have 7 tabs, each one representing software license purchases for
a year, and then the seventh tab is a summary. Not all license titles are
going to be the same on each tab, so I think I need to do an IF/SUM function
of some sort.
IF the text is the same, then add these cells from each worksheet.
I followed the instructions to set up a 3D function but ran into a problem.
Here's what I did.
Opened spreadsheet and clicked on summary tab.
Followed the instructions for a 3D function.
Typed = in the refers to box.
Clicked on the first tab and then held shift and clicked the last tab.
It then says to select the cell or range of cells to be referenced. I
selected all of the cells I wanted to reference on the summary tab. Is this
Steve P.
I am sorry, but yes this is wrong. The way SUMIF works is as follows:
RANGE = the range of cells you are looking through
REF = the vairable you are looking for
SUMCOL = the column / range you are summarizing
So.... Given the folowing,
1 1001 50
2 1002 40
3 1003 20
4 1004 30
5 1001 10
6 1003 20
AND the formula =SUMIF(A1:A6,1001,B1:B6)
your result would be quot;60quot;Hope this helps!--
sseavert's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=33579
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=533912If you are trying to do a SUMIF or a COUNTIF there is info here
number 3, you can download a sample of the SUMIF, just adapt the same
formula to COUNTIF--
Peo Sjoblom
nwexcelsolutions.comquot;srpettewquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi,
gt; I am trying to automatically update a summary worksheet. So basically
gt; anytime one of the other worksheets are updated, this summary is changed.
gt; Example, I have 7 tabs, each one representing software license purchases
gt; for
gt; a year, and then the seventh tab is a summary. Not all license titles are
gt; going to be the same on each tab, so I think I need to do an IF/SUM
gt; function
gt; of some sort.
gt; IF the text is the same, then add these cells from each worksheet.
gt; I followed the instructions to set up a 3D function but ran into a
gt; problem.
gt; Here's what I did.
gt; Opened spreadsheet and clicked on summary tab.
gt; Followed the instructions for a 3D function.
gt; Typed = in the refers to box.
gt; Clicked on the first tab and then held shift and clicked the last tab.
gt; It then says to select the cell or range of cells to be referenced. I
gt; selected all of the cells I wanted to reference on the summary tab. Is
gt; this
gt; wrong?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Steve P.
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
3D Function Error