I cannot edit the cell format in an excel worksheet. It is driving me nuts.
The sheet is not protected and I have tirned off the quot;lockedquot; in the
protection tab under Cell Formatting.
I have tried copying to a new worksheet and the problem follows.....
I'm wondering if you've hit the 4,000 differenct cell formats limit.
Check out...
Gary Brown
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Post Helpfull to you?''.quot;Brettquot; wrote:
gt; I cannot edit the cell format in an excel worksheet. It is driving me nuts.
gt; The sheet is not protected and I have tirned off the quot;lockedquot; in the
gt; protection tab under Cell Formatting.
gt; I have tried copying to a new worksheet and the problem follows.....
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
I cannot edit cell format in Excel 2000 (Part of office 2000)!