Generated email with excel attachement retains excel formatting when sent
from our UNIX SUN server, but the mso- directives seem to have no effect when
sent from our Win 2000 server. The email transmission text is identical.
There is no discernable difference in the email headers that are recevied.
Could the lt;metagt; commands in the email be causing the problem?
Determined the problem and all is working now. I needed to change the CSS
styles by prefixing each with the html reference. That is, by changing .head
(my heading formats) to td.head (for table detail line headings), etc...quot;Steve Malickiquot; wrote:
gt; Generated email with excel attachement retains excel formatting when sent
gt; from our UNIX SUN server, but the mso- directives seem to have no effect when
gt; sent from our Win 2000 server. The email transmission text is identical.
gt; There is no discernable difference in the email headers that are recevied.
gt; Could the lt;metagt; commands in the email be causing the problem?
gt; Thx,
gt; Steve
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
Why loss of excel formatting in email attachment on Win platform?