I prefer that the Data Table on a specific chart be formatted n,nnn,nnn as
all raw data is without cents. The cells used as reference for the chart are
formatted in the above manner.
On the worksheet where the chart is built the formnatting is n,nnn,nnn.00.
The 00 is consistent because the data has no cents.
The chart building workbook is a master that is used over and over for
changing situations. So, the chart is copied to its own single sheet
workbook for distribution and posterity. At this point the formatting
problem gets worse. The commas disappear and now I have nnnnnnn - with no
cents. Thank heaven that the 00 cents didn't come thru. The chart would
have been absolutely unusable in that state.
As it is we can use it as it is, with the explanation to the viewer: quot;Excel
drops the commas. We're exploring the problem. You'll have to pen them in for
I can't believe that there is no way to control the fomat of this region
when there is so much control over all other aspects of the chart building
process. I simply cannot find it!!! Help!!
THanks for your reply to my questions.
Have a look at this website
About data tables.
Basically saying they are limited in what they can do and it is better to
embed a chart and add in a data table manually.
Hope this helps.
quot;Chartsmalmquot; wrote:
gt; I prefer that the Data Table on a specific chart be formatted n,nnn,nnn as
gt; all raw data is without cents. The cells used as reference for the chart are
gt; formatted in the above manner.
gt; On the worksheet where the chart is built the formnatting is n,nnn,nnn.00.
gt; The 00 is consistent because the data has no cents.
gt; The chart building workbook is a master that is used over and over for
gt; changing situations. So, the chart is copied to its own single sheet
gt; workbook for distribution and posterity. At this point the formatting
gt; problem gets worse. The commas disappear and now I have nnnnnnn - with no
gt; cents. Thank heaven that the 00 cents didn't come thru. The chart would
gt; have been absolutely unusable in that state.
gt; As it is we can use it as it is, with the explanation to the viewer: quot;Excel
gt; drops the commas. We're exploring the problem. You'll have to pen them in for
gt; now!quot;
gt; I can't believe that there is no way to control the fomat of this region
gt; when there is so much control over all other aspects of the chart building
gt; process. I simply cannot find it!!! Help!!
Thanks. It sounds as if the writer of that article has been down the path to
no solution within the chart process. I'm going to give the separate table
approach a try. It sounds good. Thanks, again for the tip.
quot;owl37quot; wrote:
gt; Hi,
gt; THanks for your reply to my questions.
gt; Have a look at this website
gt; pubs.logicalexpressions.com/P...?ID=209#jon021
gt; About data tables.
gt; Basically saying they are limited in what they can do and it is better to
gt; embed a chart and add in a data table manually.
gt; Hope this helps.
gt; Thanks.
gt; quot;Chartsmalmquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I prefer that the Data Table on a specific chart be formatted n,nnn,nnn as
gt; gt; all raw data is without cents. The cells used as reference for the chart are
gt; gt; formatted in the above manner.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; On the worksheet where the chart is built the formnatting is n,nnn,nnn.00.
gt; gt; The 00 is consistent because the data has no cents.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; The chart building workbook is a master that is used over and over for
gt; gt; changing situations. So, the chart is copied to its own single sheet
gt; gt; workbook for distribution and posterity. At this point the formatting
gt; gt; problem gets worse. The commas disappear and now I have nnnnnnn - with no
gt; gt; cents. Thank heaven that the 00 cents didn't come thru. The chart would
gt; gt; have been absolutely unusable in that state.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; As it is we can use it as it is, with the explanation to the viewer: quot;Excel
gt; gt; drops the commas. We're exploring the problem. You'll have to pen them in for
gt; gt; now!quot;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I can't believe that there is no way to control the fomat of this region
gt; gt; when there is so much control over all other aspects of the chart building
gt; gt; process. I simply cannot find it!!! Help!!
You may also want to look at
Custom Chart Table
Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions
In article gt;,says...
gt; I prefer that the Data Table on a specific chart be formatted n,nnn,nnn as
gt; all raw data is without cents. The cells used as reference for the chart are
gt; formatted in the above manner.
gt; On the worksheet where the chart is built the formnatting is n,nnn,nnn.00.
gt; The 00 is consistent because the data has no cents.
gt; The chart building workbook is a master that is used over and over for
gt; changing situations. So, the chart is copied to its own single sheet
gt; workbook for distribution and posterity. At this point the formatting
gt; problem gets worse. The commas disappear and now I have nnnnnnn - with no
gt; cents. Thank heaven that the 00 cents didn't come thru. The chart would
gt; have been absolutely unusable in that state.
gt; As it is we can use it as it is, with the explanation to the viewer: quot;Excel
gt; drops the commas. We're exploring the problem. You'll have to pen them in for
gt; now!quot;
gt; I can't believe that there is no way to control the fomat of this region
gt; when there is so much control over all other aspects of the chart building
gt; process. I simply cannot find it!!! Help!!
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
How do I number format the Data Table in an Excel Chart?