have a large spreadsheet that we need to copy the content of one column into
another column. we also need to add in three leading digits into the new
If the three leading digits are the same, and your original numbers are in
column A, in cell B1 type =quot;***quot;amp;A1. The asterisks should be replaced by
your three leading digits. Now copy the formula down as far as needed. The
Copy the new range in column B and paste it back via Edit gt; Paste Special,
Value (to get rid of the formula).
quot;Ronco Billquot; wrote:
gt; have a large spreadsheet that we need to copy the content of one column into
gt; another column. we also need to add in three leading digits into the new
gt; column???
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
copy, insert and add digits