Comcaster Wrote:
gt; Having an issue with this...any help would be appreciated
gt; I am using VLOOKUP to return values from another worksheet and it works
gt; as intended 99% of the time
gt; BUT...
gt; some of the codes that I am trying to find the values for contain an
gt; asterisk. I do not have control over the codes or I would have changed
gt; the offending codes to not include the asterisk. In this case, I am
gt; trying to lookup the values for the following code: G*. I have the
gt; arguments within the vlookup function set to FALSE. (which according to
gt; Microsoft, should only return values if there is an EXACT match) This is
gt; NOT working, as the function returns the first value that begins with G.
gt; How do I get VLOOKUP to find G* and G* ONLY. I can handle the N/A errors
gt; that result when that value is found. Here is the formula for your
gt; reference: =VLOOKUP($A139,Data!$A$3:$N$427,2,FALSE) --- the value in
gt; A139 is G*. Going nutz! Thanks In Advance!
The partial solution is to use the Tilda (~) in your vlookup. Like
This works when there is an asterisk in the search string, but, doesn't
seem to work when there is quot;?quot; mark in the string?!--
cadcrew's Profile:
View this thread:,quot;~quot;,quot; ~~quot;),quot;?quot;,quot;~?quot;),quot;*quot;,quot;~*quot;),
Is one way to handle both the wild cards and escape character.
cadcrew wrote:
gt; Comcaster Wrote:
gt; gt; Having an issue with this...any help would be appreciated
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I am using VLOOKUP to return values from another worksheet and it works
gt; gt; as intended 99% of the time
gt; gt; BUT...
gt; gt; some of the codes that I am trying to find the values for contain an
gt; gt; asterisk. I do not have control over the codes or I would have changed
gt; gt; the offending codes to not include the asterisk. In this case, I am
gt; gt; trying to lookup the values for the following code: G*. I have the
gt; gt; arguments within the vlookup function set to FALSE. (which according to
gt; gt; Microsoft, should only return values if there is an EXACT match) This is
gt; gt; NOT working, as the function returns the first value that begins with G.
gt; gt; How do I get VLOOKUP to find G* and G* ONLY. I can handle the N/A errors
gt; gt; that result when that value is found. Here is the formula for your
gt; gt; reference: =VLOOKUP($A139,Data!$A$3:$N$427,2,FALSE) --- the value in
gt; gt; A139 is G*. Going nutz! Thanks In Advance!
gt; The partial solution is to use the Tilda (~) in your vlookup. Like
gt; so..
gt; VLOOKUP(quot;~quot;amp;C2,A2:A4,1,FALSE)
gt; This works when there is an asterisk in the search string, but, doesn't
gt; seem to work when there is quot;?quot; mark in the string?!
gt; --
gt; cadcrew
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; cadcrew's Profile:
gt; View this thread:
Dave Peterson
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
VLOOKUP and wildcards