
I recently started using excel 2003 and built a spread sheet and when I sum a
group of cells it is calculating cell above it into the sum and I received
the following tracking error.
quot;the formual in the cell refers to a range that has additonal numbers
adjacent to itquot;
The cells in the forumal are correct - the ones I want in the formual,
however, it is calculating two cells above the sum total.

xl2002 have some warnings to developers. If xl looks at your data and sees
something that looks inconsistent, then it'll give you that warning.

Dates stored as text
numbers stored as text
inconsistent formulas
and the warning you got are a few.

Tools|options|error checking tab will show you the list (that you can toggle

So if you know your formula is correct, you can ignore that warning.

I don't understand what that second question is, though.

starlifter wrote:
gt; I recently started using excel 2003 and built a spread sheet and when I sum a
gt; group of cells it is calculating cell above it into the sum and I received
gt; the following tracking error.
gt; quot;the formual in the cell refers to a range that has additonal numbers
gt; adjacent to itquot;
gt; The cells in the forumal are correct - the ones I want in the formual,
gt; however, it is calculating two cells above the sum total.
gt; --
gt; sl


Dave Peterson

Only one question, I found how to turn off the error icon. The problem is
the sum is inocorrect. The formula is correct, for some reason it is
calculation two cells about the sum that I do not want to be part of the sum.
slquot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:

gt; xl2002 have some warnings to developers. If xl looks at your data and sees
gt; something that looks inconsistent, then it'll give you that warning.
gt; Dates stored as text
gt; numbers stored as text
gt; inconsistent formulas
gt; and the warning you got are a few.
gt; Tools|options|error checking tab will show you the list (that you can toggle
gt; on/off).
gt; So if you know your formula is correct, you can ignore that warning.
gt; =====
gt; I don't understand what that second question is, though.
gt; starlifter wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I recently started using excel 2003 and built a spread sheet and when I sum a
gt; gt; group of cells it is calculating cell above it into the sum and I received
gt; gt; the following tracking error.
gt; gt; quot;the formual in the cell refers to a range that has additonal numbers
gt; gt; adjacent to itquot;
gt; gt; The cells in the forumal are correct - the ones I want in the formual,
gt; gt; however, it is calculating two cells above the sum total.
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; sl
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson

Can you post the formula and then post what cells you wanted included in that

starlifter wrote:
gt; Only one question, I found how to turn off the error icon. The problem is
gt; the sum is inocorrect. The formula is correct, for some reason it is
gt; calculation two cells about the sum that I do not want to be part of the sum.
gt; --
gt; sl
gt; quot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:
gt; gt; xl2002 have some warnings to developers. If xl looks at your data and sees
gt; gt; something that looks inconsistent, then it'll give you that warning.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Dates stored as text
gt; gt; numbers stored as text
gt; gt; inconsistent formulas
gt; gt; and the warning you got are a few.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Tools|options|error checking tab will show you the list (that you can toggle
gt; gt; on/off).
gt; gt;
gt; gt; So if you know your formula is correct, you can ignore that warning.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; =====
gt; gt; I don't understand what that second question is, though.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; starlifter wrote:
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I recently started using excel 2003 and built a spread sheet and when I sum a
gt; gt; gt; group of cells it is calculating cell above it into the sum and I received
gt; gt; gt; the following tracking error.
gt; gt; gt; quot;the formual in the cell refers to a range that has additonal numbers
gt; gt; gt; adjacent to itquot;
gt; gt; gt; The cells in the forumal are correct - the ones I want in the formual,
gt; gt; gt; however, it is calculating two cells above the sum total.
gt; gt; gt; --
gt; gt; gt; sl
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Dave Peterson
gt; gt;


Dave Peterson

I have tried it several ways, selecting a blank cell and hitting the SUM icon
and typing in the range and by selecting a blank cell and highlighting the
cells I wanted to SUM. Any way I try it still calculates the cells above,
which I do not want in the SUM. Want cells D3:N3 in the SUM and it
calculates those plus O2 and O1. Never had this happen before.......

So you're using this formula:

I don't think you're getting O2:O1 included in this sum.

(Well, unless you have a formula in D3:N3 that includes those values--but that's
not quite the same thing.)

If you select D3:N3 and then rightclick on the bottom right corner of the
statusbar (where those embossed boxes are), you can select Sum.

Do you get the results you expect?

If there's a problem, maybe selecting smaller and smaller ranges will help
isolate that problem.

And if this doesn't help, please post the exact formula that you're using. And
all the values in D3:N3.

I think that's the only way to help.
starlifter wrote:
gt; I have tried it several ways, selecting a blank cell and hitting the SUM icon
gt; and typing in the range and by selecting a blank cell and highlighting the
gt; cells I wanted to SUM. Any way I try it still calculates the cells above,
gt; which I do not want in the SUM. Want cells D3:N3 in the SUM and it
gt; calculates those plus O2 and O1. Never had this happen before.......


Dave Peterson

Well you were correct, it was not any data from the O column. There was a
shrunk column and it was pulling data from that column. I had never seen the
tracking error before. Thanks for your help, it did make me look in the
right area!
slquot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:

gt; So you're using this formula:
gt; =sum(D3:N3)
gt; I don't think you're getting O2:O1 included in this sum.
gt; (Well, unless you have a formula in D3:N3 that includes those values--but that's
gt; not quite the same thing.)
gt; If you select D3:N3 and then rightclick on the bottom right corner of the
gt; statusbar (where those embossed boxes are), you can select Sum.
gt; Do you get the results you expect?
gt; If there's a problem, maybe selecting smaller and smaller ranges will help
gt; isolate that problem.
gt; And if this doesn't help, please post the exact formula that you're using. And
gt; all the values in D3:N3.
gt; I think that's the only way to help.
gt; starlifter wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have tried it several ways, selecting a blank cell and hitting the SUM icon
gt; gt; and typing in the range and by selecting a blank cell and highlighting the
gt; gt; cells I wanted to SUM. Any way I try it still calculates the cells above,
gt; gt; which I do not want in the SUM. Want cells D3:N3 in the SUM and it
gt; gt; calculates those plus O2 and O1. Never had this happen before.......
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson

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