I have 14 columns and say 20 rows of data where the data could be 7 different
text values at any given time, I need to total the values some where for
those 7 different text values. The values I need to total are in the columns
next to the original 14 I spoke of.
ex: a b f g
s 3 w 2
s 4 s 3
n 5 w 4
Totals for s=10
if any cell in columns a or f = s then add the value from the cell to the
right to a running total some where
Hope it helpsSandy Wrote:
gt; I have 14 columns and say 20 rows of data where the data could be 7
gt; different
gt; text values at any given time, I need to total the values some where
gt; for
gt; those 7 different text values. The values I need to total are in the
gt; columns
gt; next to the original 14 I spoke of.
gt; ex: a b f g
gt; s 3 w 2
gt; s 4 s 3
gt; n 5 w 4
gt; Totals for s=10
gt; w=2
gt; n=5
gt; if any cell in columns a or f = s then add the value from the cell to
gt; the
gt; right to a running total some where--
Morrigan's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=7094
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=522784perfect
quot;Morriganquot; wrote:
gt; =SUMIF($A$1:$M$20,quot;squot;,$B$1:$N$20)
gt; =SUMIF($A$1:$M$20,quot;wquot;,$B$1:$N$20)
gt; =SUMIF($A$1:$M$20,quot;nquot;,$B$1:$N$20)
gt; Hope it helps
gt; Sandy Wrote:
gt; gt; I have 14 columns and say 20 rows of data where the data could be 7
gt; gt; different
gt; gt; text values at any given time, I need to total the values some where
gt; gt; for
gt; gt; those 7 different text values. The values I need to total are in the
gt; gt; columns
gt; gt; next to the original 14 I spoke of.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; ex: a b f g
gt; gt; s 3 w 2
gt; gt; s 4 s 3
gt; gt; n 5 w 4
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Totals for s=10
gt; gt; w=2
gt; gt; n=5
gt; gt;
gt; gt; if any cell in columns a or f = s then add the value from the cell to
gt; gt; the
gt; gt; right to a running total some where
gt; --
gt; Morrigan
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Morrigan's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=7094
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=522784
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
if then else