I'm applying conditional formatting to a column (B) based on another
column (A). Data exists in both columns. Here is how I'm doing it
1) copy all data in B to another column C
2) select cell B1 and apply CF referencing $A1
3) drag cell B1 and copy down to bottom of column (about 2000 values)
in order to automatically increment cell reference to reference
adjacent cell (B1 to A1, B2 to A2, etc). But all values are now the
same as A1.
4) copy column C into column B, copying only values such that the CFs
are preserved and values are restored.
5) delete column C
I'm sure there's a better way. Could you tell me what it is?
Thank you!--
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- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
conditional formatting on a cell range