
I know how to change the color palette. The problem is: changes do not
stick if I open the workbook on a different computer. I am working with
a macro and would like to use something like
ColorIndex(3)=RGB(207,254,255) to set some soft pastel colors. Is there
a way to do this?

Incidently, while trying to do this I discovered that the color palette
makes no sense at all! There is no relationship between the ColorIndex
and the position on the chart or the color spectrum. One wonders what
logic process was used to develop this chart in which index numbers
range from 1 - 56, but 17-32 are missing. And if you customize a color,
the color changes but the index number stays the same. Go figure!

kaldonUse code like

ThisWorkbook.Colors(3) = RGB(207,254,255)--
Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
quot;kaldonquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I know how to change the color palette. The problem is: changes
gt;do not
gt; stick if I open the workbook on a different computer. I am
gt; working with
gt; a macro and would like to use something like
gt; ColorIndex(3)=RGB(207,254,255) to set some soft pastel colors.
gt; Is there
gt; a way to do this?
gt; Incidently, while trying to do this I discovered that the color
gt; palette
gt; makes no sense at all! There is no relationship between the
gt; ColorIndex
gt; and the position on the chart or the color spectrum. One
gt; wonders what
gt; logic process was used to develop this chart in which index
gt; numbers
gt; range from 1 - 56, but 17-32 are missing. And if you customize
gt; a color,
gt; the color changes but the index number stays the same. Go
gt; figure!
gt; kaldon
That worked great! Thanks for the prompt response.


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