Can I copy ALL formats from one worksheet to another, especially including
cell width?
If you copy the sheet into the same workbook then all formats will be
preserved - the easiest way I find is to select the worksheet you want
to copy, then hold the CTRL key down while you drag the worksheet tab -
a small black arrow will indicate where the new sheet will be copied
to, and release CTRL when you have it positioned correctly. A quot; (2)quot;
will be added to the original worksheet's name (or quot; (3)quot;, or quot; (4)quot;
etc depending how many copies you make).
Of course, you may need to remove data and formulae from the copied
Hope this helps.
PeteIf you click on the Select All area (the little grey square to the
left of ColA and above Row1), then the whole sheet will be selected.
If you copy and then go to your other sheet, select A1 and Paste
Special gt; Formats, then it's done.
quot;Petequot; gt; wrote in message
| If you copy the sheet into the same workbook then all formats will
| preserved - the easiest way I find is to select the worksheet you
| to copy, then hold the CTRL key down while you drag the worksheet
tab -
| a small black arrow will indicate where the new sheet will be
| to, and release CTRL when you have it positioned correctly. A quot;
| will be added to the original worksheet's name (or quot; (3)quot;, or quot;
| etc depending how many copies you make).
| Of course, you may need to remove data and formulae from the copied
| sheet.
| Hope this helps.
| Pete
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
Formatting in Excel