
I'm attempting to filter columns E, G, and I all at the same time. I need to
display rows that have values greater than 0 in any one of those three
columns. So far I can only filter progressively. If I filter column E and
then filter column G, the second filter is only applied to the results of the
first filter.

Does anybody know if it's even possible to do what I'm trying to do?

Try using the Data gt; Filter gt; AdvancedFilter, instead of the will allow quot;ORquot; conditions between columns.

Or, if this is something you have to do frequently, you could write a macro
to do the first column in AutoFilter and copy the results to another Sheet
and then do the second and append those results to the second sheet

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Keleigh-Gquot; wrote:

gt; I'm attempting to filter columns E, G, and I all at the same time. I need to
gt; display rows that have values greater than 0 in any one of those three
gt; columns. So far I can only filter progressively. If I filter column E and
gt; then filter column G, the second filter is only applied to the results of the
gt; first filter.
gt; Does anybody know if it's even possible to do what I'm trying to do?

Use a 4th help column


copy down as long as needed then filter on the help column and TRUE

or use advanced filter, assume the headers are columnE, G and I then the OR
criteria would look like

ColumnE ColumnG ColumnI

so it would take 12 cells for the criteria



Peo Sjoblomquot;Keleigh-Gquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I'm attempting to filter columns E, G, and I all at the same time. I need
gt; to
gt; display rows that have values greater than 0 in any one of those three
gt; columns. So far I can only filter progressively. If I filter column E and
gt; then filter column G, the second filter is only applied to the results of
gt; the
gt; first filter.
gt; Does anybody know if it's even possible to do what I'm trying to do?
Advanced filter using the quot;ORquot; option will allow me to filter for more than
one criteria in a single column, but it's still only one column that's being

Your macro suggestion may be the way to go. I'm not very good with macros,
especially in Excel, but I'll play with it and see what happens.

quot;CLRquot; wrote:

gt; Try using the Data gt; Filter gt; AdvancedFilter, instead of the
gt; will allow quot;ORquot; conditions between columns.
gt; Or, if this is something you have to do frequently, you could write a macro
gt; to do the first column in AutoFilter and copy the results to another Sheet
gt; and then do the second and append those results to the second sheet
gt; etc.........
gt; Vaya con Dios,
gt; Chuck, CABGx3
gt; quot;Keleigh-Gquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I'm attempting to filter columns E, G, and I all at the same time. I need to
gt; gt; display rows that have values greater than 0 in any one of those three
gt; gt; columns. So far I can only filter progressively. If I filter column E and
gt; gt; then filter column G, the second filter is only applied to the results of the
gt; gt; first filter.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Does anybody know if it's even possible to do what I'm trying to do?

From quot;HELPquot;.......

Advanced filter criteria can include multiple conditions applied in a single
column, multiple criteria applied to multiple columns, and conditions created
as the result of a formula.

To find data that meets either a condition in one column or a condition in
another column, enter the criteria in different rows of the criteria range.
For example, the following criteria range displays all rows that contain
either quot;Producequot; in the Type column, quot;Davolioquot; in the Salesperson column, or
sales values greater than $1,000.hth
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Keleigh-Gquot; wrote:

gt; Advanced filter using the quot;ORquot; option will allow me to filter for more than
gt; one criteria in a single column, but it's still only one column that's being
gt; filtered.
gt; Your macro suggestion may be the way to go. I'm not very good with macros,
gt; especially in Excel, but I'll play with it and see what happens.
gt; quot;CLRquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Try using the Data gt; Filter gt; AdvancedFilter, instead of the
gt; gt; will allow quot;ORquot; conditions between columns.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Or, if this is something you have to do frequently, you could write a macro
gt; gt; to do the first column in AutoFilter and copy the results to another Sheet
gt; gt; and then do the second and append those results to the second sheet
gt; gt; etc.........
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Vaya con Dios,
gt; gt; Chuck, CABGx3
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Keleigh-Gquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I'm attempting to filter columns E, G, and I all at the same time. I need to
gt; gt; gt; display rows that have values greater than 0 in any one of those three
gt; gt; gt; columns. So far I can only filter progressively. If I filter column E and
gt; gt; gt; then filter column G, the second filter is only applied to the results of the
gt; gt; gt; first filter.
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Does anybody know if it's even possible to do what I'm trying to do?

did you ever figure out a solution? I have the same problem.

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