I have a worksheet function that gives me a result in a dollar value
with 2 decimals, let's say it produces the following value: $11.85.
Now, the actual value is more like this $11.85983733333 because it's a
result of a much more complex formula, but of course I have it rounded
off to 2 decimal places. I have another formula that takes the above
number and multiplies it by a number of hours, say 5000, and I get a
dollar value, BUT I want the second formula to grab the $11.85 in the
first formula and use that, but instead it grabs the long un-rounded
version. How do I get it to grab the result that I want? Am I making
sense? I can explain myself further if necessary. Thanks.--
chrisgoulden's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31235
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=509017Hiquot;chrisgouldenquot; gt;
wrote in message
news:chrisgoulden.22tqmz_1139256904.2383@excelforu m-nospam.com...
gt; I have a worksheet function that gives me a result in a dollar value
gt; with 2 decimals, let's say it produces the following value: $11.85.
gt; Now, the actual value is more like this $11.85983733333 because it's a
gt; result of a much more complex formula, but of course I have it rounded
gt; off to 2 decimal places. I have another formula that takes the above
How you did it? Rounded using ROUND(), set 'Precision as displayed' from
Toolsgt;Optionsgt;Calculations to be checked for a while, or simply formatted
cell as number with 2 decimals. When latter, then formatting affects only
the way, the cell value is displayed, not the value itself.Arvi Laanemets
In the cell that produces $11.85983733333 by some formula, you should
modify this to:
although I would have thought this would produce $11.86 - if you really
want $11.85, use:
=ROUNDDOWN(your_formula,2), or
Hope this helps.
Pete.........Thank you.........this works great!!!!!!! My boss will be
so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--
chrisgoulden's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31235
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=509017Hi Chris,
thanks for feeding back, glad it worked for you.
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
Question about decimal places