
I need to lock only a few certian cells in my exel sheet, so they can not be
changed by other users. Is this possible, and how can I do that if it is

On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 08:12:49 -0800, Robert
gt; wrote:

gt;I need to lock only a few certian cells in my exel sheet, so they can not be
gt;changed by other users. Is this possible, and how can I do that if it is

By default, when you turn on sheet protection all cells are locked.

Select all the cells you don't want locked, and then
Format--gt;Cells--gt; Protection Tag and unselect the 'locked' option. Now
turn sheet protection on with a suitable password.

HTHRichard Buttrey

Hello Robert,

All cells are locked by default but it is not turned on unless you
protect the sheet.

If you only want certain cells to be locked you will need to unlock all
cells, lock specific cells and then protect the entire sheet:

Highlight all cells (click the grey box to the left of A and top of 1)
Choose Format Cells
Choose the Protection tab untick Locked OK

Highlight all the cells you want locked for your own use (use the
Control key to highlight non continuous cells)

Choose Format Cells Protection tab tick Locked OK

Choose Tools Protection Protect Worksheet

You can enter a password here

The other users can enter and change info in all the other cells apart
from the ones you have specifically locked. In order to change the
locked cells they will need the password.

For you to change them choose Tools Unprotect Worksheet enter your

Don't forget to protect it agian once you are done.

Hope this helps

JudithJubilee's Profile:;userid=6882
View this thread:;protection-gt;Protect Sheet

cells are Locked by default, and any cell you don't want protected needs to
be unlocked before you protect the sheet. UnLock cells by selecting format
cells and going to the protection tab.

quot;Robertquot; wrote:

gt; I need to lock only a few certian cells in my exel sheet, so they can not be
gt; changed by other users. Is this possible, and how can I do that if it is
gt; possible.

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