
the last sonic message of OUSSAMA BEN LADEN

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most beneficent.

Peace be upon those who followed the guidance

My message to you about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the way to
end it; I was not intending the to speak about this subject, because
for us it’s obvious; blood for blood, and all grace be to Allah our
situation is from better to best while your situation is the opposite.
What motivated me to speak out is the repeated fallacies made up by
president Bush commentating on the polls’ results that showed the great
majority amongst you desiring a pull out of the American troops from
Iraq. However, he (Bush) objected to this aspiration and alleged that
pulling out the troops would give a wrong message to the opponent and
that it’s better to fight them on their land instead of them fighting
us on our land.
In my hands the response to these great fallacies; I say that the war
in Iraq is boiling up without end, and the operations in Afghanistan in
continuous rise to our side, all grace be to Allah. And the Pentagon’s
numbers declare the rise of death and injuries toll, needless to
mention the grave material loss and the mental defeat of the soldiers
and the mounting of suicides among them. You can imagine the
psychological defeat of the soldiers picking up the remains of their
comrades after stepping into a mine, and after such a situation the
soldier becomes between two fires, either refuses to go out of his
barricade and getting punished by Vietnam’s butcher, or accepting to go
out turning into a meal for the mines’ monster. The soldier is between
two choices the best of them is bitter making him under extreme
psychological pressure, fear, humiliation, and oppression. While his
people turn their faces away from him.Therefore, this soldier finds no other solution except committing
suicide and that is what you hear about him and about his suicide; a
message to you written by his soul, blood, fear, regret, and pain so
you would save what you can save from this hellfire, and the solution
is in your hands if the matter concerns you.
However, the news about our brothers the Mujahedeen is quiet different
from what the pentagon publishes. What is published in the media is not
the whole truth or the reality on the ground. What makes the doubts
greater is the information leaked out about the intentions of the white
house administration in targeting media stations that are trying to
publish some of the truth, and it’s been surfaced lately with
documentations how the world’s freedom butcher had intended to bomb the
offices of Aljazeera in Qatar after bombing its offices in Afghanistan
and Baghdad, although with all its setbacks.
On the other hand, Jihad is continuing, all grace be to Allah, despite
all the atrocities committed by the American army and its agents, to a
point where there is no differentiation between its crimes and those of
Saddam’s. Its crimes reached raping women, and abducting them as
hostages instead of their husbands.

As for torturing men, it reached a point where they are using chemical
acids, using drills to drill their joints, and setting people on their
heads till they die. Read if you wish the human watch reports
concerning the grave tortures in Abu Ghraib, Guntanamo, and Baghram.
Let me say, despite all the sadistic means used, they did not break up
sharp blade of the resistance or the Mujahedeen, all grace be to Allah.
Instead the resistance is rising stronger. All the reports show that the
defeat and grave failure for the cursed quadruples; Bush, Cheney,
Ramsfield, and Wolfowits; the publishing of this defeat is only a
matter of time, associated only with the awareness of the American
people about the magnitude of this misery. And the wise among you knows
that Bush does not have a plan to reach his alleged victory in Iraq. If
you would compare the small number of deaths when Bush announced his
fake declaration on top of the airplanes’ carrier; the termination of
the grand operations, if you would compare that with the tenth of times
numbers of deaths and injuries with the small operations, you would know
the fact about what I say and that Bush and his administration do not
have the desire nor the intention to pull out of Iraq, all that is due
to their own suspicious agenda.

This takes me back to the original subject, I say that the polls’
results are accepted by the wise amongst you, and that Bush’s refute is
based on falsehoods and the facts are the witness that the war against
America and its allies is not anymore limited to Iraq as he claims,
instead Iraq became a point of attraction and rehabilitation of power
from one side, and from the other side the Mujahedeen were able , all
grace be to Allah, to infringe all the security means taken by the
oppressing allied governments one time after another. The proof for
that is what you have witnessed from the explosions inside the most
important capitals of the European states allied with the atrocities.
As for the delay in similar operations in America, is not because the
incapability to pierce your security measures, the operations are under
preparation and you will see them in your own homeland as soon as they
are ready, Allah is willing.
Based on the above, there appear Bush’s falsehoods. However, the one
thing that he avoided, and it’s the core of the polls; it’s better not
to fight Muslims on their lands, or them fighting us on our land.
We do not mind to answer you for a long truce with fair conditions, we
commit ourselves to it, since we are a nation that forbids betrayals
and lies. Let both sides live in peace and feel safe. Let us rebuild
Iraq and Afghanistan that were destroyed by the war. There is no shame
in solutions, except that it will stop the flow of hundreds of billions
to the ones in command and the war lords in America, those who helped
Bush in his election with billions of dollars. From here we can
understand Bush and his gang’s persistence in a continuous war.
Therefore, if you agree on the truce and living in peace, you will find
us agreeing and responding with the same. However, if Bush refuses and
continues in his lies and oppression, it’s beneficial to read the
introduction of a book the **** State: if I was a president I will stop
the operations against the United States by; first, I will apologize to
every widow, orphan, and all those who were tortured, and I will then
announce that the American intervention had ended for ever.Finally, I tell you that the victory in this war is either ours or
yours. If it’s the premier, you will come out disgraced for ever, and
it’s in this way the circumstances are flowing all grace be to Allah.
And if it was the latter, read the history and you will know that we
are a nation that does not sleep on defeat, and that we will seek
revenge for ever, and that the days and nights will not pass until we
revenge, like we did in September 11, Allah is willing. And you will
continue to live in disgrace and fear and in the end you will be

As for us we have nothing to loose, who swims in the ocean does not
fear the rain. You have occupied our land, you have attacked our honor
and dignity, you have spilled our blood, you have stolen our wealth,
you have destroyed our homes, and you have smashed our security. We
will make you feel the same.

You have tried to prevent us from living with dignity, but you won’t be
able to prevent us from dying with dignity. Sitting down and leaving
Jihad behind in our religion is a great sin that we fear. And dying
under the swords’ shades is the best that we wish for. Do not be
deceived with your power and your armaments, it can only make you win
some battles but you will loose the war. Patience and standing fast is
better than what you have, and it’s the ends what you should be
watching for.

We were patient fighting the Soviet Union with small humble arms for
ten years, we depleted their economy till they vanished, all grace be
to Allah. You should take a lesson from that, we will be patient
fighting you, Allah’s willing, till either one of us dies. We will
never run away from fighting you until the end.
I swore that I will not die except free….despite the bitter taste of
Peace be upon those who followed the guidance--
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