
I need to sort a 2nd time within a spreadsheet without disturbing the 1st
sort, example:

Multiple client accounts, several for same client but different account
number and different contribution amounts. I want to first sort by total
contribution descending (this is not a problem) then secondly have the
clients different acounts follow one another (although the distribution
amount will not be sorting correctly after this is done).

Thank you for any guidance you can give me.

Best regards,

Connie Crow

You can sort three things at once. (Data gt; Sort ...) So in your example
sort the total contribution (descending) then in the next drop down menu you
can sort the accounts.

What this ends up doing is sorting the contribution, then where contribution
amounts are the same sorting the accounts (while leaving the contribution
sort in tact).

quot;Sorting dataquot; wrote:

gt; I need to sort a 2nd time within a spreadsheet without disturbing the 1st
gt; sort, example:
gt; Multiple client accounts, several for same client but different account
gt; number and different contribution amounts. I want to first sort by total
gt; contribution descending (this is not a problem) then secondly have the
gt; clients different acounts follow one another (although the distribution
gt; amount will not be sorting correctly after this is done).
gt; Thank you for any guidance you can give me.
gt; Best regards,
gt; Connie Crow

Pasted from help...

Sort rows based on the contents of two or more columns

For best results, the list you sort should have column labels.

1. Click a cell in the list you want to sort.
2. On the Data menu, click Sort.
3. In the Sort by and Then by boxes, click the columns you want to sort. If
you need to sort by more than three columns, sort by the least important
columns first. For example, if your list contains employee information and
you need to organize it by Department, Title, Last Name, and First Name, sort
the list twice. First, click First Name in the Sort by box and sort the list.
Second, click Department in the Sort by box, click Title in the first Then by
box, and click Last Name in the second Then by box, and sort the list.
4. Select any other sort options you want, and then click OK.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 if needed, using the next most important columns.


If the column you specify in the Sort by box has duplicate items, you can
sort the values further by specifying another column in the first Then by
box. If there are duplicate items in the second column, you can specify a
third column to sort by in the second Then by box.When you sort rows that are part of a worksheet outline, Microsoft Excel
sorts the highest-level groups (level 1) so that the detail rows or columns
stay together, even if the detail rows or columns are hidden.

quot;Sorting dataquot; wrote:

gt; I need to sort a 2nd time within a spreadsheet without disturbing the 1st
gt; sort, example:
gt; Multiple client accounts, several for same client but different account
gt; number and different contribution amounts. I want to first sort by total
gt; contribution descending (this is not a problem) then secondly have the
gt; clients different acounts follow one another (although the distribution
gt; amount will not be sorting correctly after this is done).
gt; Thank you for any guidance you can give me.
gt; Best regards,
gt; Connie Crow

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