I have many part numbers that end with |01. I want to delete the |01 in each
cell without doing them individually. They are all in the same column. The
numbers look like this; 0993616|01, 4657-02|01, 408-Q|01.
Use Edit==gt;Replace
Find what: |01
Replace with: lt;nothing heregt;
Replace All
quot;oldguywithbadeyesquot; wrote:
gt; I have many part numbers that end with |01. I want to delete the |01 in each
gt; cell without doing them individually. They are all in the same column. The
gt; numbers look like this; 0993616|01, 4657-02|01, 408-Q|01.
gt; Thanks
gt; --
gt; meagain
Select all cells in question.
Datagt;Text to Columnsgt;Delimited bygt;Othergt;Enter a pipe(|) and Next
Select the right-most column and quot;do not importquot;(skip).
FinishGord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Tue, 2 May 2006 14:07:02 -0700, oldguywithbadeyes
gt; wrote:
gt;I have many part numbers that end with |01. I want to delete the |01 in each
gt;cell without doing them individually. They are all in the same column. The
gt;numbers look like this; 0993616|01, 4657-02|01, 408-Q|01.
- May 16 Wed 2007 20:37
Modify cell contents