I went to make a schedule for printing out for manual fill in.
I changed the format of column A to time.
I entered the first time in A3
A3 6:00am
A4 =A3 :30 didnt work
A4= A3 30 didn't work
A4=A3 .5 didn't work
Those were just guesses.
What's the right way?--
famdamly's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=29382
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=517868In A4 the formula is
=A3 (30/1440)
.... where 1440 = 60 minutes x 24 hours. To Excel, a time such as 6:30
am is the fraction of a day. Each day is an integer number; a time
during that day is the integer number plus a fraction.
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:39
Time formulas