
Try sumif function. The 1st argument is the range of employee numbers, the
2nd is the employee number you want to mathc, and the 3rd is the range with
the amount.

quot;vishuquot; wrote:

gt; I have problem with vlookup formula. Vlook formula is picking up only one
gt; amount. I will explain my problem with one example
gt; I have one column with employee number (is repeating) and in another column
gt; i have their salary breakups.
gt; Employee no. amount
gt; 101200
gt; 102300
gt; 103300
gt; 104200
gt; 105100
gt; 101100
gt; 10150
gt; I have employee numbers in one sheet, if i put vlookup formula for employee
gt; numbers i should get amount.
gt; The problem is in Employee number 101. This is repeating thrice. In this
gt; case its picking first amount. But i need sum of all amount it shoud give me
gt; the amount 350 instead of 200
gt; Please help me

I got your formula.
Can you please tell me what is thr use of Vlookup formula, If we can use
sumif everywhere. But i want to try to do it in Vlookup comand.
Is it possible.???quot;Florida Userquot; wrote:

gt; Try sumif function. The 1st argument is the range of employee numbers, the
gt; 2nd is the employee number you want to mathc, and the 3rd is the range with
gt; the amount.
gt; quot;vishuquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I have problem with vlookup formula. Vlook formula is picking up only one
gt; gt; amount. I will explain my problem with one example
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have one column with employee number (is repeating) and in another column
gt; gt; i have their salary breakups.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Employee no. amount
gt; gt;
gt; gt; 101200
gt; gt; 102300
gt; gt; 103300
gt; gt; 104200
gt; gt; 105100
gt; gt; 101100
gt; gt; 10150
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have employee numbers in one sheet, if i put vlookup formula for employee
gt; gt; numbers i should get amount.
gt; gt; The problem is in Employee number 101. This is repeating thrice. In this
gt; gt; case its picking first amount. But i need sum of all amount it shoud give me
gt; gt; the amount 350 instead of 200
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Please help me

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