
Is there any specific template Excel which is aimed at personal expenses
calculation for students? I would like to see a template made keeping in mind
their expenses (monthly or fortnightly). My idea or rather wish is it should
be designed in a manner where say every day or probably every alternate day
or every 2 to 3 days one can add the expenses made includig petty expenses
such as a coffee. At the end of the month the person can collate the whole
data included in the worksheet and then see the expenses made in that month
against the earnings and which would facilitate a quick and easy analysis of
where the money is misspent or rather spent excessively. It would be a boon
for many students like me because i have experience in the past year of being
an international student and interacting with many students like me that most
of us are always in short of money the major reason being lack of control
over expenses and lack of tool which can ease the tracking of expenses
monthly and fortnightly in some cases as the pay comes fortnightly in most
part time jobs.


- and you can re-search if the item you desire is not listed.


Zubin-007 Wrote:
gt; Is there any specific template Excel which is aimed at personal
gt; expenses
gt; calculation for students? I would like to see a template made keeping
gt; in mind
gt; their expenses (monthly or fortnightly). My idea or rather wish is it
gt; should
gt; be designed in a manner where say every day or probably every alternate
gt; day
gt; or every 2 to 3 days one can add the expenses made includig petty
gt; expenses
gt; such as a coffee. At the end of the month the person can collate the
gt; whole
gt; data included in the worksheet and then see the expenses made in that
gt; month
gt; against the earnings and which would facilitate a quick and easy
gt; analysis of
gt; where the money is misspent or rather spent excessively. It would be a
gt; boon
gt; for many students like me because i have experience in the past year of
gt; being
gt; an international student and interacting with many students like me
gt; that most
gt; of us are always in short of money the major reason being lack of
gt; control
gt; over expenses and lack of tool which can ease the tracking of expenses
gt; monthly and fortnightly in some cases as the pay comes fortnightly in
gt; most
gt; part time jobs.--
Bryan Hessey
Bryan Hessey's Profile:;userid=21059
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