
I have seven columns B thru H (representing the different weights of 7
individuals). The three rows under these seven columns represent Driver 1,
Passenger 1 and Passenger 2. I have check boxes in all cells (B6:H8). The
check boxes are linked to the individual cell in which they are placed. I
would like to know if it is possible to create a formala for each row that is
the result of one of the check boxes in the relevant row being ticked. For
example: Driver - can be Driver B6@85, C6@99, D6@80, etc. If it were a
single driver, I could enter =if(b6lt;gt;true,quot;quot;,B6)... or the weight instead of
the cell reference. How would I do this with all 7 cells across the row with
the different weights and still return the value of the driver/passenger
whose box has been ticked? I am a novice and am not conversant with
functions, so simple answers would be appreciated. (Excel 87 SR-1 on Windows
XP being used).

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