

I have a spreadsheet for tracking hours worked or overtime hours.

It constantly gets updated with new figures. Example: current overtime
hours is 6. He has worked 3 more now. I want to know how I can just
type in the new value 3 and add it on to the old figure of 6 without
doing the math myself.

Any help appreciated.


SteveIf total hours is displayed in column C for employees in row 3 through
30, put the formula (or add to the present formula) in cell C3
SUM(B3:J3). Copy the formula through cell C30. Now the first day put
the overtime hours in column D, column E for the next day's OT hours,
column F for the next day's hours, etc You can even name the columns D
through J Monday, Tues, OT hours. To start the next week, just
delete tehe contents of column D through J. edHI, I am Mostafa
This issue i have seen my boss doing it all the time.
To add a number on to itself, you can just stop over the cell you want to
modify and press F2, to change its contents, add equal sign quot;=quot; before the
number, then add the plus quot; quot; sign after the number and write the additional
The cell content is quot;6quot;, you want to add 3 more. Stop over it, press F2, add
quot;=quot; before the number,add quot; quot; after the number, then write 3. The formula bar
will display quot;=6 3quot;, and the cell will display quot;9quot;. Do this every time the
value is to be updated, (e.g; quot;=6 3 2 1 3quot;, which will be quot;15quot;)
Keep the Hopequot; wrote:

gt; Hi,
gt; I have a spreadsheet for tracking hours worked or overtime hours.
gt; It constantly gets updated with new figures. Example: current overtime
gt; hours is 6. He has worked 3 more now. I want to know how I can just
gt; type in the new value 3 and add it on to the old figure of 6 without
gt; doing the math myself.
gt; Any help appreciated.
gt; Thanks
gt; Steve

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