
I'm trying to copy all the data from an existing workbook into a new
workbook that isn't autoformatted. I copy and paste, but the columns for
dates and times display totally changed data in the new workbook. For
example, in A5:A10 and C5:C10 I originally had

row A b c
5 1/3/2003 x 11:00 AM
6 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
7 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
8 1/6/2003 x 11:00 AM
9 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM
10 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM

and in the new workbook the copied info appears

row a b c
5 37624 x 0.4583333
6 37624 x 0.5833333
7 37624 x 0.5833333
8 37627 x 0.4583333
9 37627 x 0.4166667
10 37627 x 0.4166667

What's going on? Am I performing some sort of calculation that doesn't
recognize these data as dates and times? Why isn't it copying exactly what
appears in the original workbook? Thanks for any and all help.

You merely have to select the cells in the column A and format them for
dates, and then select the cells in column C and format them for Time. The
numbers that you're seeing are the date and time serial values respectively.
Kevin Backmannquot;Joshquot; wrote:

gt; I'm trying to copy all the data from an existing workbook into a new
gt; workbook that isn't autoformatted. I copy and paste, but the columns for
gt; dates and times display totally changed data in the new workbook. For
gt; example, in A5:A10 and C5:C10 I originally had
gt; column
gt; row A b c
gt; 5 1/3/2003 x 11:00 AM
gt; 6 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
gt; 7 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
gt; 8 1/6/2003 x 11:00 AM
gt; 9 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM
gt; 10 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM
gt; and in the new workbook the copied info appears
gt; column
gt; row a b c
gt; 5 37624 x 0.4583333
gt; 6 37624 x 0.5833333
gt; 7 37624 x 0.5833333
gt; 8 37627 x 0.4583333
gt; 9 37627 x 0.4166667
gt; 10 37627 x 0.4166667
gt; What's going on? Am I performing some sort of calculation that doesn't
gt; recognize these data as dates and times? Why isn't it copying exactly what
gt; appears in the original workbook? Thanks for any and all help.
gt; --
gt; Josh

Thank you, Kevin.
Joshquot;Kevin Bquot; wrote:

gt; You merely have to select the cells in the column A and format them for
gt; dates, and then select the cells in column C and format them for Time. The
gt; numbers that you're seeing are the date and time serial values respectively.
gt; --
gt; Kevin Backmann
gt; quot;Joshquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I'm trying to copy all the data from an existing workbook into a new
gt; gt; workbook that isn't autoformatted. I copy and paste, but the columns for
gt; gt; dates and times display totally changed data in the new workbook. For
gt; gt; example, in A5:A10 and C5:C10 I originally had
gt; gt;
gt; gt; column
gt; gt; row A b c
gt; gt; 5 1/3/2003 x 11:00 AM
gt; gt; 6 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
gt; gt; 7 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
gt; gt; 8 1/6/2003 x 11:00 AM
gt; gt; 9 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM
gt; gt; 10 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM
gt; gt;
gt; gt; and in the new workbook the copied info appears
gt; gt;
gt; gt; column
gt; gt; row a b c
gt; gt; 5 37624 x 0.4583333
gt; gt; 6 37624 x 0.5833333
gt; gt; 7 37624 x 0.5833333
gt; gt; 8 37627 x 0.4583333
gt; gt; 9 37627 x 0.4166667
gt; gt; 10 37627 x 0.4166667
gt; gt;
gt; gt; What's going on? Am I performing some sort of calculation that doesn't
gt; gt; recognize these data as dates and times? Why isn't it copying exactly what
gt; gt; appears in the original workbook? Thanks for any and all help.
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; Josh

I have the same problem, and formatting these numbers as dates does not help.

When I select the cell with a number, the edit bar shows the date I entered
in the desired format: 3-10-06.

So the data is there, but I can't display it in date format. Why doesn't
this work?gt; gt; quot;Joshquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I'm trying to copy all the data from an existing workbook into a new
gt; gt; gt; workbook that isn't autoformatted. I copy and paste, but the columns for
gt; gt; gt; dates and times display totally changed data in the new workbook. For
gt; gt; gt; example, in A5:A10 and C5:C10 I originally had
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; column
gt; gt; gt; row A b c
gt; gt; gt; 5 1/3/2003 x 11:00 AM
gt; gt; gt; 6 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
gt; gt; gt; 7 1/3/2003 x 2:00 PM
gt; gt; gt; 8 1/6/2003 x 11:00 AM
gt; gt; gt; 9 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM
gt; gt; gt; 10 1/6/2003 x 10:00 AM
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; and in the new workbook the copied info appears
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; column
gt; gt; gt; row a b c
gt; gt; gt; 5 37624 x 0.4583333
gt; gt; gt; 6 37624 x 0.5833333
gt; gt; gt; 7 37624 x 0.5833333
gt; gt; gt; 8 37627 x 0.4583333
gt; gt; gt; 9 37627 x 0.4166667
gt; gt; gt; 10 37627 x 0.4166667
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; What's going on? Am I performing some sort of calculation that doesn't
gt; gt; gt; recognize these data as dates and times? Why isn't it copying exactly what
gt; gt; gt; appears in the original workbook? Thanks for any and all help.
gt; gt; gt; --
gt; gt; gt; Josh

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