Hey all.
I just recently refound a Sebring SB-100 which is basically just a strat copy. It has the standard strat pickup arrangement with 3 pickups, bridge one slanted. One of the pickups is broken and I want to just buy 3 new ones to transform it to the sound I want. I was looking at the Little '59 in the bridge with Duckbuckers in the neck and middle spots combination. What do you guys think of the sound you get from this? What could I compare it to?
目前分類:title (6022)
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Pickups for My quot;Stratquot;
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
I just can't stop: Mighty-Morphin Volume control.
Every once in awhile, someone asks a question that gets my little gears turning. Like this thread where Andre asks about a pup that goes from a single to a humbucker as you raise the volume.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
My Full Shred is too trebly
I have tried the Duncan Distortion, Demon, JB, and the Full shred. My guitar is a maple body Hamer Californian (yeah I know maple is bright). I play metal but I want a pickup that can do anything. I want a low end chunk but also want upper mids that go waaahhhhh. Is the custom custom or triple custom something I should try. Anyone tried them on a maple guitar?
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Question about this SG trade
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
F/S PAT3B blues and Dimarzio Fred, Breed (N)
Blues Trembucker is SOLD! (Sorry had it on HC as well amp; got a cash offer)
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
OLP .vs. Squier
I'm trying to fighure out witch guitar to get an OLP MM1 w/vintage trem or a Squier Affinity Fat Strat?If i get the strat i'll probabloy grab a few spay cans and make me own franky.But im leaning twoards the olp cuz it looks almost like the wolfgang.i'm planning to add a custom 5 to either one . So help me settle this please!
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Got a Gamp;L Commanche today....
Its a quot;post Leoquot; and it was garbage....I really thought it would play like a dream....needed a good setup, but couldnt get it right, nut was too low buzzed like mad and the claw was run all the way to the body and the bridge still wouldnt stay down. I think it was a factory abortion that ended up at the pawn shop. Ive played a pre BBE one and loved it, but the quality has gone down.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Original 8 hole strat pickguard to 11 hole. What was the point?
The first strat pickguards had 8 holes and were 1 ply, right? Well, they starting making 3-ply, which is stronger and some might say better looking, but what was the point in adding another 3 holes? 8 holes will hold just fine. 11 holes gets a little annoying, and it shows more screw heads on the guitar. 8 hole is less of a pain taking off, and looks better.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
marshall 1974x and marshall 2061x
I tried out both of these amps today, and loved both of them. Out of the two, I liked the 2061x the best. It had more focus and presence in the mid and bottom end. It seemed to have a little more natural distortion when really driven. both really seemed to have and open dimensional sound to them. I used a les paul. Very warm attractive amps. Great Tone.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
LP STD..Tried Pearly and Screamin' now what?
I have an '81 Les Paul Standard that I recently pulled the '57 Classics out of. In the neck I put a Duncan Pearly Gates neck and I think it's the best neck pickup for me. For the bridge I tried a Screamin' Demon (because I love it in my Frankenstrat) did not work in the Paul for me. So I ordered a Pearly Gates Bridge. It sounds great and balances perfectly with the neck but it, although an improvement, is maybe still not for me. I put my '57 back in and I liked it better, but perhaps maybe just because it was more familiar.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
OK I will put some pictures up later, it is WAY past my bedtime and I just dont feel like going thru all that now haha I am just trying to test the water.
This is a NICE guitar and I really like it, but I am wanting something different.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
POD XT Live direct
Recorded direct via USB, accompanied by MIDI bass and drum machine. Amp model is 'plexi jump lead' with 'killer z' as boost.
from : localhost/www.cranusmetal.com/drucifer - HOF.mp3
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Help...I need some tone advice!!!!
OK my setup has been consistant and pretty awesome sounding for quite some time now.(To me) I get my ear candy from:
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
anybody know what pickups the guy from stone temple pilots used or what pups what get a similar tone. specifically the core album (sex type thing, wicked garden, plush)
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Antiquities for Bass....
.....If what you really mean is fat, warm, punchy, and smooth, without the toppy, clacky, thin, crispy, brittle, overly bottom-heavy, or overly mid-scooped tone that's often associated with quot;modernquot; sound (and that pockety-pockety, fork-on-plate noise the slap'n'jammer kids prefer)....I need a new P and J pickup and that quote pretty much describes exactly what I'm looking for.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
When to replace tubes?
I came across a great link by Doug Roccaforte about tube replacement. It might save folks some $$$.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Humbuckers in Strat
Can someone please explain the mystery about putting full size humbuckers into a Strat? I have a tremelo-equipped American Strat that is routed to accept bridge and neck humbuckers. Will the guitar accept any humbucker or does it have to be F-spaced? The distances between E-strings are 48mm (neck), 51mm (bridge), and the nut is 43mm. Are all humbuckers standard size with regards to fitting into a Fender Fat Strat pickguard? Will the screw holes line up? Thank you much for any info.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Wanted: Vox Valvetronix 30 or 50 watt model
I'm scaling down. Looking for a good condition unit from one of you long-time members.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
wolfgang pickups?
which pickups are the closeest sounding to the wolgang and i'm looking for a dead on sound
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
cab question.
I just got my new jsx head recently and its a tube amp, my only cab is my line 6 spider 2 cab, it says it can handle 150 watts max, does that mean it can handle 150 tube amp watts? cause the spider 2 is a SS amp and now im putting 120 watts of tube power into it, would it be okay to crank the JSX through this cab?