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TO, I'm posting here in public since perhaps there are others who might be in my situation. I also post in the ti*s and cli*s section so I don't have to listen to some of the opinions in the OT section.

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for sale:
1 set of fender chrome tuners from mim standard strat. $15

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I've gotten in a dilema and now still deciding on which pedal to fit.
I've not really tested all of them but it seems that modding a pedal will be better.

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My nephew has asked for a wireless unit for Xmas and it turns out I know nexst to nothing about them. Any suggestions regarding brands and models would be appreciated!

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I know this has been asked before, but over time, people become more experienced and discover new gear and have new experiences.

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I recieved my USA Custom Guitar neck in the mail, and I have changed my plans on buying a Strat and using it there, and now have decided to go with a Warmoth mahogany strat body, with a KOA TOP! Rear routed too....It will take a while before it all gets put together, but I think it will be great...

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I'm considering buying something to use primarily for practice and possibly some recording. I've looked at POD stuff. I want to get your opinions of the POD and your recommendations as to other avenues I should consider. Maybe a small digital multitrack recorder, a different modeling unit, etc.

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I've got a 50's ES175, and am struggling to get it sounding really good. I swapped out the rosewood bridge for a tun-o-matic, and that made a TON of difference. I tried lighter strings (11's) but that sucked, so I restrung it with DR Pure Blues 12-52's.

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I have about $400 to spend on an acoustic and have heard nothing but good things about the Taylor Big Baby. I want to use it for both Jack Johnson/Dispatch style rhythm/strumming and playing some slide. How will this guitar work for that?

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Red 18 space 3/8 road case with heavy duty casters mounted to a 1/2 piece of plywood for strength. It has to go, but I'm not giving it away, so unless someone grabs it this week, off to the trash it goes. 70.00 Plus shipping.
I'll throw in an SKB 4 space drawer with it for an EXTRA 25.00, that's your decession.

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I bought this Roland box yesterday. this thing is amazing....what a great toy!

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I am looking for a nickel covered Rio Grande BBQ bridge pickup and am selling my recently purchased nickel covered C5 to get funds for it. I will sell for $70 shipped in the US . It is 2 months old and 9 1/2 out of 10 condition due to a slight blemish on the edge of the lower left side. bareley visible
I would be willing to trade strait up for a BBQ.

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The song is called 'You Mess with One Bean, you Mess with the Whole Burrito' and I find the tone of the intro especially amazing. Does anyone know what gear they use?

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got my free miniswitch from Bareknuckle today, and I think its an on/on/on switch (from what i gather looking at the imprint on the metal part of it). I checked out guitarelectronics.com to see what can be done with it, and so far I got these:

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I've been placing my compressor after my overdrives in the signal chain, but the great Pete Cornish says in the latest edition of Guitarist magazine regarding his rule of thumb for effects order, quot;A compressor first, because that will even out the guitar's output. Any high-gain distortions come after that, then dropping down in gain as you go along.quot;

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I've got an old Peavey Fury (from back when they were USA-made P-bass copies) with an abosolutel wasted finish (that started off as a kinda crappy flat red anyway...) and I was thinking it might be fun to redo it in Shell Pink or Surf Green.

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I like Country Joe and the Fish alot, but I kind of want to know what Barry Melton was playing through during the late 60's. I am guessing a tele, but can't even begin on the amp. Ii hope at least one person out there knows who I'm talking about.

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After the long wait, I finally made it back home with this here beauty. It plays really well, sounds bright but has a huge bass (beats me how that works) and is incredibly resonant. It's equipped with a Duncan Distortion and a Dunacn Jazz, and the pickups split when the tonecontrol is lifted, very cool. Hope the pics work.

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I have a 59 bassman reissue and I want a distortion pedal that will give me awesome distortion and heavy distortion (where i can get good pinch harmonics). I dont want a metal pedal but close in the amount of possible gain. Anyone have suggestions of distortion pedals to try out or multi-effects pedals or modelers to try?

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Anyone try this combo? It seems most people on the board hype up the ALnico V pups (like the '59) in the SG. I want to get closer to the quot;Fresh Creamquot; tone and thought a pair of Alnico V Seth's might fo the trick.

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