
There's a sample file here that concatenates multiple selections from a
data validation list:

Under Data Validation, look for 'Select Multiple Items from Dropdown List'

Bill Foster wrote:
gt; I have an input screen that I want users to pick a selection from a data
gt; validated list. The worksheet contains many columns for simple user input.
gt; However, the more complicated scenario below applies to just one of those
gt; many columns.
gt; If users want to pick more than one selection I'm hoping that upon the user
gt; making a left click of a selection from the validated drop down box or upon
gt; pressing enter (or, say, upon calculation) a macro will delete the validation
gt; in that cell, concatenate the previous selection (in that same cell) and the
gt; newest selection (both text) delimited by quot;; quot; place that combined value in
gt; the activecell and then reapply the validation (perhaps by copying it from
gt; the cell below if that is easier then coding all the validation over again).
gt; The new value does not need to be added to the validation list. And, of
gt; course, if someone only makes one selection for a cell, and simply just goes
gt; on to the next cell the code can rest.
gt; Once the user selects a different cell in that column, the process starts
gt; from scratch. If a cell in another column is selected this code would do
gt; nothing.
gt; I've been trying Worksheet_SelectionChange and Worksheet_Calculate subs
gt; unsuccesfully.
gt; Thanks.Thanks Debra. Sounds too good to be true but so far it looks good.

quot;Debra Dalgleishquot; wrote:

gt; There's a sample file here that concatenates multiple selections from a
gt; data validation list:
gt; Under Data Validation, look for 'Select Multiple Items from Dropdown List'
gt; Bill Foster wrote:
gt; gt; I have an input screen that I want users to pick a selection from a data
gt; gt; validated list. The worksheet contains many columns for simple user input.
gt; gt; However, the more complicated scenario below applies to just one of those
gt; gt; many columns.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If users want to pick more than one selection I'm hoping that upon the user
gt; gt; making a left click of a selection from the validated drop down box or upon
gt; gt; pressing enter (or, say, upon calculation) a macro will delete the validation
gt; gt; in that cell, concatenate the previous selection (in that same cell) and the
gt; gt; newest selection (both text) delimited by quot;; quot; place that combined value in
gt; gt; the activecell and then reapply the validation (perhaps by copying it from
gt; gt; the cell below if that is easier then coding all the validation over again).
gt; gt; The new value does not need to be added to the validation list. And, of
gt; gt; course, if someone only makes one selection for a cell, and simply just goes
gt; gt; on to the next cell the code can rest.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Once the user selects a different cell in that column, the process starts
gt; gt; from scratch. If a cell in another column is selected this code would do
gt; gt; nothing.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I've been trying Worksheet_SelectionChange and Worksheet_Calculate subs
gt; gt; unsuccesfully.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks.

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