Hi everyone - hope someone can help me
I created multiple sheets with the same formulas, now i need a report sheet
to collect information from these sheets:
Exp: Sheet1, Cell A1 = Sheet2, Cell $A$1
Sheet1, Cell A2 = Sheet3, Cell $A$1
Sheet1, Cell A3 = Sheet4, Cell $A$1
If I want the cell number to increase by 1 I remove the dollar sign, but I
can not find a way to increase the sheet number by 1, and having 250 sheets
it will take ages to adjust manually.
Can anyone help me please?
ThanksIf you sheet names are sheet1,sheet2..... sheet30
Then copy this formula in A1 and copy down
=INDIRECT(quot;Sheetquot; amp; ROW()amp;quot;!A1quot;)
You can also do it with a macro
Regards Ron de Bruin
www.rondebruin.nlquot;albertmbquot; gt; wrote in message ...
gt; Hi everyone - hope someone can help me
gt; I created multiple sheets with the same formulas, now i need a report sheet
gt; to collect information from these sheets:
gt; Exp: Sheet1, Cell A1 = Sheet2, Cell $A$1
gt; Sheet1, Cell A2 = Sheet3, Cell $A$1
gt; Sheet1, Cell A3 = Sheet4, Cell $A$1
gt; If I want the cell number to increase by 1 I remove the dollar sign, but I
gt; can not find a way to increase the sheet number by 1, and having 250 sheets
gt; it will take ages to adjust manually.
gt; Can anyone help me please?
gt; Thanks
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
Increasing Sheet Numbers by one on fill down command