
I would like to record the 20 most searched keywords for a website ona
daily basis. I would need to record the keyword, the amount of
searches, amp; the amount of resultant transactions, for each day. So if
would look something like this(sorry for the horrible layout in this

Keyword ---- Clicks ---- Trans
1. car ------- 2500 ------- 5
2. new car -- 2356 ----- 7
20 Truck ---- 1378 ------ 8

The problem lies in the fact that the top 20 list is dynamic daily. It
is not always the same 20 words each day. Also to do it for the month,
I would have 30 of these clunky tables all on one sheet. Also since the
20 are different each day, it makes it difficult to perform any
functions on the data.

At the end of this, I wish to be able to view the list of keywords for
the month, how many clicks, how many transactions, chart the daily
gain/loss of traffic, and measure the realtionship between clicks and
transactions, if any.

Unfortunately, the best way i can think of is to start with the 20
keywords from day 1 of the month as ROWS, record the clicks and
transactions as COLUMNS. Then on day 2, I must add any new keywords
found on day 2 but not on day one as ROWS, record N/A for their cells
in day 1, and record N/A for any day 1 keywords that fell out of top 20
in day 2. Then each day repeat the process of adding new top 20
keywords as rows, and recording N/A where appropriate for days a
keyword was not in the top 20.

This would probaly result in a 40 row spreadsheet, with 60 columns(2
for each of the 30 days, Clicks amp; Transactions), with a bunch of N/A
cells and not too easy to look at or work with.

Does anyone have a better way to do this. Multiple sheets? Merging
data? Threaten to go postal at the Microsoft Home Office? Any help
would be appreciated!--
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