I have a list of 120 items that I have to search for amongst 5 list of data
on 5 different worksheets. Is there a way of searching for them all in one
go across the 5 worksheets? using individual lookups would take an age!and ideas anyone?
Are the ranges for your lookup tables in the same location for each
What are the ranges for your tables?
How are your sheet tabs named?
In article gt;,
quot;jiwolfquot; gt; wrote:
gt; I have a list of 120 items that I have to search for amongst 5 list of data
gt; on 5 different worksheets. Is there a way of searching for them all in one
gt; go across the 5 worksheets? using individual lookups would take an age!
gt; and ideas anyone?
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:34
multiple searches?