Can someone help me - I need to count the amount of instances of a text
value within a date range. I have date columns and text columns in a table
(the data is extracted from MS-Project).
eg. I am trying to count how many times quot;poured slabquot; happened in the past
I have tried several things, no luck!
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A500gt;=TODAY()-7),--(B2:B500=quot;poured slabquot;))
where A holds the dates and B text, if the text is part of a larger text
string use
slabquot;,B2:B500))))Regards,Peo Sjoblomquot;Janet BNquot; wrote:
gt; Hi,
gt; Can someone help me - I need to count the amount of instances of a text
gt; value within a date range. I have date columns and text columns in a table
gt; (the data is extracted from MS-Project).
gt; eg. I am trying to count how many times quot;poured slabquot; happened in the past
gt; week.
gt; I have tried several things, no luck!
Thanks for that Peo, but it is only returning a 0 value as the result and I
know for a fact there are 4 instances.
I am using this to lookup on another page, will that cause a problem. (see
my equation) Or is there a line limit for this sort of checking. I tried
both your examples and got the same result.
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Input Data'!$S2:$S8500gt;=TODAY()-7),--('Input
Any help appreciated.
ps.. It has taken some time to get back to this issue.quot;Peo Sjoblomquot; wrote:
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A500gt;=TODAY()-7),--(B2:B500=quot;poured slabquot;))
gt; where A holds the dates and B text, if the text is part of a larger text
gt; string use
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A500gt;=TODAY()-7),--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(quot;poured
gt; slabquot;,B2:B500))))
gt; Regards,
gt; Peo Sjoblom
gt; quot;Janet BNquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hi,
gt; gt; Can someone help me - I need to count the amount of instances of a text
gt; gt; value within a date range. I have date columns and text columns in a table
gt; gt; (the data is extracted from MS-Project).
gt; gt;
gt; gt; eg. I am trying to count how many times quot;poured slabquot; happened in the past
gt; gt; week.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have tried several things, no luck!
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:34
Count text values in a date range