I have a list of cells, currently in the range of C2:C24 in the
worksheet 'people'.
What i would like to do is have the cells in the worksheet 'schedule'
change to specific colors should the value in schedule equal a value in
the c2:c24 range of People. Each C# needs to be a different color.
Eg: worksheet: People
if a value in schedule =qwe, i'd like it to be orange.
if a value in schedule =asd, i'd like it to be green.
i know this shouldnt be too hard and i could probably do a macro or
function that can compare the values in Schedule with the list in
People and when it finds a match picks up the formatting specified
(maybe a case statement?)
help/ideas appreciated
You might be able to just use Conditional Formatting for this, under the
condition that you only have 4 conditions (or fewer).
You first need to name the cells containing the account names. Then
your conditional formating would read:
If cell value is equal to =-target name-
You have to use named ranges, because Excel won't allow you to refer
directly to cells in another sheet for conditional formatting.
If you make all your ranged cells the format of one of the 4
conditions, you can then add 3 more conditional formats to those cells,
for a total of 4. If you can't start out with one of the formats, you
can only do 3 conditional formats.
Hope this helps.--
BruceP's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=33653
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=539569
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
Color format cells based on list in seperate worksheet