In order to highlight the highest value in a column of numbers, I'm using the
conditional format formula:
However, there are #div/0 errors in this column and it won't work.
Is there a way to re-write the funtion so that it ignores the #div/0 errors?
Perhaps with a =not(iferror) or something to the like?
Wouldn't it be better to remove the #Div/0 errors in the column?
quot;Ray Eliasquot; wrote:
gt; In order to highlight the highest value in a column of numbers, I'm using the
gt; conditional format formula:
gt; =(F3=(MAX(F:F)))
gt; However, there are #div/0 errors in this column and it won't work.
gt; Is there a way to re-write the funtion so that it ignores the #div/0 errors?
gt; Perhaps with a =not(iferror) or something to the like?
Good morning, Ray-
I don't know this for sure, but my first impression is that the
conditional formula is not the place to filter out the DIV/0 errors. I
think the best way to go will be to replace the formulas in column F
with something like
=IF(ISNUMBER(your formula),your formula,quot;div zero errorquot;)
This will flag the errors and allow your MAX formula to work. I can't
definitively say quot;this is THE one and only solutionquot;, since Excel
provides many ways to skin a cat, but this will get you going until a
better solution is offered.
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
MAX value of a column that has #div/0 errors in it