I was previously able to export data from Crystal Reports 8.5 to Microsoft
Excel 2003 where the information exported appeared in groups of customers
with two empty rows in between. I was then able to subtotal the numerical
data (using data subtotal, without sorting) amp; the subtotals would appear
directly below each group of customer data amp; leave the extra empty row
between the subtotal amp; the next group. For example,
ABT100 1.00
ABT100 2.00
ABT100 Total 3.00
ABT101 1.00
ABT101 1.00
ABT101 Total 2.00
When I did my export this month (following the exact same steps I always
have) the subtotals are now appearing differently; they now appear after the
two blank rows amp; then start on the new customer. For example,
ABT100 1.00
ABT100 2.00ABT100 Total 3.00
ABT101 1.00
ABT101 1.00ABT101 2.00
The only way I've been able to change this is by sorting the customer
numbers amp; then subtotaling which then eliminates all blank rows between each
customer group. For example,
ABT100 1.00
ABT100 2.00
ABT100 Total 3.00
ABT101 1.00
ABT101 1.00
ABT101 Total 2.00
Is there any way to get back to the original format?
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
How do I make subtotals appear directly below groups with spaces b