I have seen the answers to similar questions which suggest the use of
SUMPRODUCT. I have also seen mention that this works for exact and equal
ranges, but i need to do this for columns, because i will be continuously
adding to the ranges.
My columns are named ranges (month, fce1A, SpEE). Here is the sumif
=SUMIF(AND(month = quot;Mar 2006quot;, fce1A = true),true,SpEE)
Added to the above.
I have tried the following:
it seems to work as does...
=SUMIF(month, quot;Mar 2006quot;, SpEE)
Any thoughts?
Perhaps I should just write a custom function? I've actually tried that but
it's not working properly yet.
quot;Questionquot; wrote:
gt; I have seen the answers to similar questions which suggest the use of
gt; SUMPRODUCT. I have also seen mention that this works for exact and equal
gt; ranges, but i need to do this for columns, because i will be continuously
gt; adding to the ranges.
gt; My columns are named ranges (month, fce1A, SpEE). Here is the sumif
gt; statement.
gt; =SUMIF(AND(month = quot;Mar 2006quot;, fce1A = true),true,SpEE)
You can't use sumif for this, you would need sumproduct. I find it hard to
believe that you would need 65536 rows in your calculation but even if
that's the case you can use
1:65535 for your named ranges and then use
=SUMPRODUCT(--(month=quot;Mar 2006quot;),--(fce1a=TRUE),SpEE)
if your months are text
Peo Sjoblom
quot;Questionquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Added to the above.
gt; I have tried the following:
gt; =SUMIF(fce1A, TRUE, SpEE)
gt; it seems to work as does...
gt; =SUMIF(month, quot;Mar 2006quot;, SpEE)
gt; Any thoughts?
gt; Perhaps I should just write a custom function? I've actually tried that
gt; but
gt; it's not working properly yet.
gt; quot;Questionquot; wrote:
gt;gt; I have seen the answers to similar questions which suggest the use of
gt;gt; SUMPRODUCT. I have also seen mention that this works for exact and equal
gt;gt; ranges, but i need to do this for columns, because i will be continuously
gt;gt; adding to the ranges.
gt;gt; My columns are named ranges (month, fce1A, SpEE). Here is the sumif
gt;gt; statement.
gt;gt; =SUMIF(AND(month = quot;Mar 2006quot;, fce1A = true),true,SpEE)
Use SUMPRODUCT with a dynamic range that will increase as you add data.
Debra Dalgleish has an example here for making a Pivot table source dynamic,
but the principle is the same:-
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03
It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
------------------------------*------------------------------*----------------quot;Questionquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Added to the above.
gt; I have tried the following:
gt; =SUMIF(fce1A, TRUE, SpEE)
gt; it seems to work as does...
gt; =SUMIF(month, quot;Mar 2006quot;, SpEE)
gt; Any thoughts?
gt; Perhaps I should just write a custom function? I've actually tried that
gt; but
gt; it's not working properly yet.
gt; quot;Questionquot; wrote:
gt;gt; I have seen the answers to similar questions which suggest the use of
gt;gt; SUMPRODUCT. I have also seen mention that this works for exact and equal
gt;gt; ranges, but i need to do this for columns, because i will be continuously
gt;gt; adding to the ranges.
gt;gt; My columns are named ranges (month, fce1A, SpEE). Here is the sumif
gt;gt; statement.
gt;gt; =SUMIF(AND(month = quot;Mar 2006quot;, fce1A = true),true,SpEE)
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
SUMIF with multiple criteria, by columns