I have some automation code where I am posting some data from an Access
DB to a formatted, unlocked Excel Spreadsheet. The Workbook (wb) has 3
worksheets (ws) named MEL, ERD, RCPT. The problem I am having is
posting to the ERD ws. At first I thought it was because the ERD was
ws(2), but then when I swapped with MEL with ERD and made the ERD the
first ws, it still would not post to the ERD. In both cases, I had no
problems posting to ws MEL whether it was ws(1) or ws(2). This wb is
formatted with many merged cells. However the cells in the MEL
worksheet are formatted no different that the ERD worksheet. I thought
the ws does not show it being locked. So as a test, I have created a
blank, unformatted WB with the only thing different is that the cells
are merged identically to the ERD and MEL ws. The data posts to the
cells in both worksheets correctly. What else can I look at to solve
this problem. I can post the automation code is necessary. I think the
problem is in the Excel ws, am I correct and how can remove any locks or
limitations to the ws? Thanks for any direction.
DenMiller57's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=34175
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=539414I ran in to a similar problem last week. I solved it by copying all my data
from the quot;infectedquot; worksheet over to a new worksheet and deleting the
first. You might have the same luck if you try.
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3quot;DenMiller57quot; gt;
wrote in message
gt; I have some automation code where I am posting some data from an Access
gt; DB to a formatted, unlocked Excel Spreadsheet. The Workbook (wb) has 3
gt; worksheets (ws) named MEL, ERD, RCPT. The problem I am having is
gt; posting to the ERD ws. At first I thought it was because the ERD was
gt; ws(2), but then when I swapped with MEL with ERD and made the ERD the
gt; first ws, it still would not post to the ERD. In both cases, I had no
gt; problems posting to ws MEL whether it was ws(1) or ws(2). This wb is
gt; formatted with many merged cells. However the cells in the MEL
gt; worksheet are formatted no different that the ERD worksheet. I thought
gt; the ws does not show it being locked. So as a test, I have created a
gt; blank, unformatted WB with the only thing different is that the cells
gt; are merged identically to the ERD and MEL ws. The data posts to the
gt; cells in both worksheets correctly. What else can I look at to solve
gt; this problem. I can post the automation code is necessary. I think the
gt; problem is in the Excel ws, am I correct and how can remove any locks or
gt; limitations to the ws? Thanks for any direction.
gt; Dennis
gt; --
gt; DenMiller57
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; DenMiller57's Profile:
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=539414
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
Cannot post to worksheet, possibly locked?