Hi, here's a challenging issue:
What formula could I copy for all cells in Column A so that will
automatically show quot;Noquot; quot;Yesquot; or a blank cell automatically.
Note that:
No = the bottom half of a series of numbers
Yes = the top half of a series of numbers (for odd series, there are always
1 more quot;yesquot; than quot;noquot;
blank cell = for every cell in column b that = quot;@NAquot;
quot;@NAquot; is not a formula generated error, it's quot;hard codedquot; into the cell
See below for an example spreadsheet.
Thanks very much for any help!
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
No 1 Apples
No 2 Apples
Yes 3 Apples
Yes 4 Apples
Yes 5 Apples
No 1 Oranges
Yes 2 Oranges
@NA Oranges
No 1 Pears
Not sure if this is what you are looking for. This formual will print
a blank for any non-number value in column B. It will print quot;Noquot; for
any number that is less than the median or halfway point in the
=IF(ISNUMBER(B2),IF(B2lt;MEDIAN($B$2:$B$10),quot;Noquot;,quot;Ye squot;),quot;quot;)
- John
www.JohnMichl.comHi, thanks very much.
That solution is very close to what I am looking for.
The Median should not be for all cells in Column B, but for a certain set of
numbers. Is there a way the Median could quot;resetquot; itself.
For clarity:
I have about 2000 rows.
Cells in Column B Count the number of identical items in Column C.
When the values in Column C changes, Cells in Column B start counting over
For example, if I have 50 Apples in Column C, cells in Column B in show in
descending order quot;1, 2, 3, 4quot;.
Once the values in Column C changes to Oranges, Cells in Column B start
counting over again quot;1,2,3,4quot;
Is there a way so that the formula recognizes the series of numbers of
1,2,3,...50 as a set of numbers and quot;resetsquot; so that for for
quot;...50,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1...quot; it recognizes the Median for
1-50, 1-4, 1-6,1-7, etc?). These series of numbers are in Column B,
descending, e.g.:
Thanks very much! I appreciate it.
quot;John Michlquot; wrote:
gt; Not sure if this is what you are looking for. This formual will print
gt; a blank for any non-number value in column B. It will print quot;Noquot; for
gt; any number that is less than the median or halfway point in the
gt; distribution.
gt; =IF(ISNUMBER(B2),IF(B2lt;MEDIAN($B$2:$B$10),quot;Noquot;,quot;Ye squot;),quot;quot;)
gt; - John
gt; www.JohnMichl.com
Hi Steve
Roger GovierSteveC gt; wrote
gt; Hi, here's a challenging issue:
gt; What formula could I copy for all cells in Column A so that will
gt; automatically show quot;Noquot; quot;Yesquot; or a blank cell automatically.
gt; Note that:
gt; No = the bottom half of a series of numbers
gt; Yes = the top half of a series of numbers (for odd series, there are
gt; always 1 more quot;yesquot; than quot;noquot;
gt; blank cell = for every cell in column b that = quot;@NAquot;
gt; quot;@NAquot; is not a formula generated error, it's quot;hard codedquot; into the
gt; cell See below for an example spreadsheet.
gt; Thanks very much for any help!
gt; ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
gt; No 1 Apples
gt; No 2 Apples
gt; Yes 3 Apples
gt; Yes 4 Apples
gt; Yes 5 Apples
gt; No 1 Oranges
gt; Yes 2 Oranges
gt; @NA Oranges
gt; No 1 Pears
gt; etcFirst of all, thanks so much to you both for your response. This formula
amost works.
This is what I get now, see below for an example. for example. If the
formula runs correctly, I'm supposed to get 30 quot;Yesquot; and 30 quot;No.quot; (1,2,...,30
shows quot;Noquot; and 31,32,33,...60 shows quot;Yesquot;)
To be more specific:
In A 1202 I entered the formula:
And I dragged this formula to A1268. Then, this is what I currently see. I
checked am I am pretty sure I didn't mess up the formula... Thanks again, I
really appreciate your response.
quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; Hi Steve
gt; Try
gt; =IF(B2=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B2lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2:$C$10=C2),--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B$10),$B$2:$B$10)
gt; /COUNTIF($C$2:$C$10,C2),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; --
gt; Regards
gt; Roger Govier
gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt; gt; Hi, here's a challenging issue:
gt; gt; What formula could I copy for all cells in Column A so that will
gt; gt; automatically show quot;Noquot; quot;Yesquot; or a blank cell automatically.
gt; gt; Note that:
gt; gt; No = the bottom half of a series of numbers
gt; gt; Yes = the top half of a series of numbers (for odd series, there are
gt; gt; always 1 more quot;yesquot; than quot;noquot;
gt; gt; blank cell = for every cell in column b that = quot;@NAquot;
gt; gt; quot;@NAquot; is not a formula generated error, it's quot;hard codedquot; into the
gt; gt; cell See below for an example spreadsheet.
gt; gt; Thanks very much for any help!
gt; gt; ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
gt; gt; No 1 Apples
gt; gt; No 2 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 3 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 4 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 5 Apples
gt; gt; No 1 Oranges
gt; gt; Yes 2 Oranges
gt; gt; @NA Oranges
gt; gt; No 1 Pears
gt; gt; etc
Hi Steve
From your original data, I hadn't considered the scenario where Apples
had a @NA value in column B.
Try instead, the following amended formula
Roger GovierSteveC gt; wrote
gt; First of all, thanks so much to you both for your response. This
gt; formula amost works.
gt; This is what I get now, see below for an example. for example. If
gt; the formula runs correctly, I'm supposed to get 30 quot;Yesquot; and 30
gt; quot;No.quot; (1,2,...,30 shows quot;Noquot; and 31,32,33,...60 shows quot;Yesquot;)
gt; To be more specific:
gt; In A 1202 I entered the formula:
gt; =IF(B1202=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B1202lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C1202),--ISNUMB
gt; E
gt; ($B$9:$B$2000),$B$9:$B$2000)/COUNTIF($C$9:$C$2000,C1202),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; And I dragged this formula to A1268. Then, this is what I currently
gt; see. I checked am I am pretty sure I didn't mess up the formula...
gt; Thanks again, I really appreciate your response.
gt; A B C
gt; No 1 Apples
gt; No 2 Apples
gt; No 3 Apples
gt; No 4 Apples
gt; No 5 Apples
gt; No 6 Apples
gt; No 7 Apples
gt; No 8 Apples
gt; No 9 Apples
gt; No 10 Apples
gt; No 11 Apples
gt; No 12 Apples
gt; No 13 Apples
gt; No 14 Apples
gt; No 15 Apples
gt; No 16 Apples
gt; No 17 Apples
gt; No 18 Apples
gt; No 19 Apples
gt; No 20 Apples
gt; No 21 Apples
gt; No 22 Apples
gt; No 23 Apples
gt; No 24 Apples
gt; No 25 Apples
gt; No 26 Apples
gt; No 27 Apples
gt; Yes 28 Apples
gt; Yes 29 Apples
gt; Yes 30 Apples
gt; Yes 31 Apples
gt; Yes 32 Apples
gt; Yes 33 Apples
gt; Yes 34 Apples
gt; Yes 35 Apples
gt; Yes 36 Apples
gt; Yes 37 Apples
gt; Yes 38 Apples
gt; Yes 39 Apples
gt; Yes 40 Apples
gt; Yes 41 Apples
gt; Yes 42 Apples
gt; Yes 43 Apples
gt; Yes 44 Apples
gt; Yes 45 Apples
gt; Yes 46 Apples
gt; Yes 47 Apples
gt; Yes 48 Apples
gt; Yes 49 Apples
gt; Yes 50 Apples
gt; Yes 51 Apples
gt; Yes 52 Apples
gt; Yes 53 Apples
gt; Yes 54 Apples
gt; Yes 55 Apples
gt; Yes 56 Apples
gt; Yes 57 Apples
gt; Yes 58 Apples
gt; Yes 59 Apples
gt; Yes 60 Apples
gt; @NA Apples
gt; @NA Apples
gt; @NA Apples
gt; @NA Apples
gt; @NA Apples
gt; @NA Apples
gt; @NA Apples
gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Hi Steve
gt;gt; Try
gt;gt; =IF(B2=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B2lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2:$C$10=C2),--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B
gt;gt; $10),$B$2:$B$10) /COUNTIF($C$2:$C$10,C2),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt;gt; --
gt;gt; Regards
gt;gt; Roger Govier
gt;gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt;gt;gt; Hi, here's a challenging issue:
gt;gt;gt; What formula could I copy for all cells in Column A so that will
gt;gt;gt; automatically show quot;Noquot; quot;Yesquot; or a blank cell automatically.
gt;gt;gt; Note that:
gt;gt;gt; No = the bottom half of a series of numbers
gt;gt;gt; Yes = the top half of a series of numbers (for odd series, there are
gt;gt;gt; always 1 more quot;yesquot; than quot;noquot;
gt;gt;gt; blank cell = for every cell in column b that = quot;@NAquot;
gt;gt;gt; quot;@NAquot; is not a formula generated error, it's quot;hard codedquot; into the
gt;gt;gt; cell See below for an example spreadsheet.
gt;gt;gt; Thanks very much for any help!
gt;gt;gt; ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
gt;gt;gt; No 1 Apples
gt;gt;gt; No 2 Apples
gt;gt;gt; Yes 3 Apples
gt;gt;gt; Yes 4 Apples
gt;gt;gt; Yes 5 Apples
gt;gt;gt; No 1 Oranges
gt;gt;gt; Yes 2 Oranges
gt;gt;gt; @NA Oranges
gt;gt;gt; No 1 Pears
gt;gt;gt; etcCongratulations Roger.
and the original example of 1 Pear being quot;Noquot; would be incorrect
because the wording says there is always one more quot;Yesquot;
than quot;Noquot; when there are an odd number.
Rearranging would be better, but in any case instead of using =quot;@NAquot;
it think you be testing if it is a number or not
,--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B$2000)),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))quot;Roger Govierquot; gt; wrote in message ...
gt; Hi Steve
gt; From your original data, I hadn't considered the scenario where Apples
gt; had a @NA value in column B.
gt; Try instead, the following amended formula
gt; --
gt; Regards
gt; Roger Govier
gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt; gt; First of all, thanks so much to you both for your response. This
gt; gt; formula amost works.
gt; gt; This is what I get now, see below for an example. for example. If
gt; gt; the formula runs correctly, I'm supposed to get 30 quot;Yesquot; and 30
gt; gt; quot;No.quot; (1,2,...,30 shows quot;Noquot; and 31,32,33,...60 shows quot;Yesquot;)
gt; gt; To be more specific:
gt; gt; In A 1202 I entered the formula:
gt; gt; =IF(B1202=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B1202lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C1202),--ISNUMB
gt; gt;
gt; gt; E
gt; gt; ($B$9:$B$2000),$B$9:$B$2000)/COUNTIF($C$9:$C$2000,C1202),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; gt; And I dragged this formula to A1268. Then, this is what I currently
gt; gt; see. I checked am I am pretty sure I didn't mess up the formula...
gt; gt; Thanks again, I really appreciate your response.
gt; gt; A B C
gt; gt; No 1 Apples
gt; gt; No 2 Apples
gt; gt; No 3 Apples
gt; gt; No 4 Apples
gt; gt; No 5 Apples
gt; gt; No 6 Apples
gt; gt; No 7 Apples
gt; gt; No 8 Apples
gt; gt; No 9 Apples
gt; gt; No 10 Apples
gt; gt; No 11 Apples
gt; gt; No 12 Apples
gt; gt; No 13 Apples
gt; gt; No 14 Apples
gt; gt; No 15 Apples
gt; gt; No 16 Apples
gt; gt; No 17 Apples
gt; gt; No 18 Apples
gt; gt; No 19 Apples
gt; gt; No 20 Apples
gt; gt; No 21 Apples
gt; gt; No 22 Apples
gt; gt; No 23 Apples
gt; gt; No 24 Apples
gt; gt; No 25 Apples
gt; gt; No 26 Apples
gt; gt; No 27 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 28 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 29 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 30 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 31 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 32 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 33 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 34 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 35 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 36 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 37 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 38 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 39 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 40 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 41 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 42 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 43 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 44 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 45 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 46 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 47 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 48 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 49 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 50 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 51 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 52 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 53 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 54 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 55 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 56 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 57 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 58 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 59 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 60 Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; gt;gt; Hi Steve
gt; gt;gt; Try
gt; gt;gt; =IF(B2=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B2lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2:$C$10=C2),--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B
gt; gt;gt; $10),$B$2:$B$10) /COUNTIF($C$2:$C$10,C2),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; gt;gt; --
gt; gt;gt; Regards
gt; gt;gt; Roger Govier
gt; gt;gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt; gt;gt;gt; Hi, here's a challenging issue:
gt; gt;gt;gt; What formula could I copy for all cells in Column A so that will
gt; gt;gt;gt; automatically show quot;Noquot; quot;Yesquot; or a blank cell automatically.
gt; gt;gt;gt; Note that:
gt; gt;gt;gt; No = the bottom half of a series of numbers
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes = the top half of a series of numbers (for odd series, there are
gt; gt;gt;gt; always 1 more quot;yesquot; than quot;noquot;
gt; gt;gt;gt; blank cell = for every cell in column b that = quot;@NAquot;
gt; gt;gt;gt; quot;@NAquot; is not a formula generated error, it's quot;hard codedquot; into the
gt; gt;gt;gt; cell See below for an example spreadsheet.
gt; gt;gt;gt; Thanks very much for any help!
gt; gt;gt;gt; ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 2 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 3 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 4 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 5 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Oranges
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 2 Oranges
gt; gt;gt;gt; @NA Oranges
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Pears
gt; gt;gt;gt; etc
It works great! Thanks so much. This will save me a tremendous amount of
Thanks very much! it works great! It will save me a lot of time.
quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; Hi Steve
gt; From your original data, I hadn't considered the scenario where Apples
gt; had a @NA value in column B.
gt; Try instead, the following amended formula
gt; =IF(B1202=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B1202lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C1202),--ISNUMBER($B$9:$B$2000),$B$9:$B$2000)/SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C1202),--ISNUMBER($B$9:$B$2000)),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; --
gt; Regards
gt; Roger Govier
gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt; gt; First of all, thanks so much to you both for your response. This
gt; gt; formula amost works.
gt; gt; This is what I get now, see below for an example. for example. If
gt; gt; the formula runs correctly, I'm supposed to get 30 quot;Yesquot; and 30
gt; gt; quot;No.quot; (1,2,...,30 shows quot;Noquot; and 31,32,33,...60 shows quot;Yesquot;)
gt; gt; To be more specific:
gt; gt; In A 1202 I entered the formula:
gt; gt; =IF(B1202=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B1202lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C1202),--ISNUMB
gt; gt;
gt; gt; E
gt; gt; ($B$9:$B$2000),$B$9:$B$2000)/COUNTIF($C$9:$C$2000,C1202),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; gt; And I dragged this formula to A1268. Then, this is what I currently
gt; gt; see. I checked am I am pretty sure I didn't mess up the formula...
gt; gt; Thanks again, I really appreciate your response.
gt; gt; A B C
gt; gt; No 1 Apples
gt; gt; No 2 Apples
gt; gt; No 3 Apples
gt; gt; No 4 Apples
gt; gt; No 5 Apples
gt; gt; No 6 Apples
gt; gt; No 7 Apples
gt; gt; No 8 Apples
gt; gt; No 9 Apples
gt; gt; No 10 Apples
gt; gt; No 11 Apples
gt; gt; No 12 Apples
gt; gt; No 13 Apples
gt; gt; No 14 Apples
gt; gt; No 15 Apples
gt; gt; No 16 Apples
gt; gt; No 17 Apples
gt; gt; No 18 Apples
gt; gt; No 19 Apples
gt; gt; No 20 Apples
gt; gt; No 21 Apples
gt; gt; No 22 Apples
gt; gt; No 23 Apples
gt; gt; No 24 Apples
gt; gt; No 25 Apples
gt; gt; No 26 Apples
gt; gt; No 27 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 28 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 29 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 30 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 31 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 32 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 33 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 34 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 35 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 36 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 37 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 38 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 39 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 40 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 41 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 42 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 43 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 44 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 45 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 46 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 47 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 48 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 49 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 50 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 51 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 52 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 53 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 54 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 55 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 56 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 57 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 58 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 59 Apples
gt; gt; Yes 60 Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; gt;gt; Hi Steve
gt; gt;gt; Try
gt; gt;gt; =IF(B2=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B2lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2:$C$10=C2),--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B
gt; gt;gt; $10),$B$2:$B$10) /COUNTIF($C$2:$C$10,C2),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; gt;gt; --
gt; gt;gt; Regards
gt; gt;gt; Roger Govier
gt; gt;gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt; gt;gt;gt; Hi, here's a challenging issue:
gt; gt;gt;gt; What formula could I copy for all cells in Column A so that will
gt; gt;gt;gt; automatically show quot;Noquot; quot;Yesquot; or a blank cell automatically.
gt; gt;gt;gt; Note that:
gt; gt;gt;gt; No = the bottom half of a series of numbers
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes = the top half of a series of numbers (for odd series, there are
gt; gt;gt;gt; always 1 more quot;yesquot; than quot;noquot;
gt; gt;gt;gt; blank cell = for every cell in column b that = quot;@NAquot;
gt; gt;gt;gt; quot;@NAquot; is not a formula generated error, it's quot;hard codedquot; into the
gt; gt;gt;gt; cell See below for an example spreadsheet.
gt; gt;gt;gt; Thanks very much for any help!
gt; gt;gt;gt; ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 2 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 3 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 4 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 5 Apples
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Oranges
gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 2 Oranges
gt; gt;gt;gt; @NA Oranges
gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Pears
gt; gt;gt;gt; etc
David, thanks for the quot;not(isnumber)quot; language... that will come in handy.
One thing though, when I use your formula I get 2 quot;Noquot; and 1 quot;Yes.quot; For
But it should read (2 Yes, 1 No):
Any suggestions... You guys are great... thanks
quot;David McRitchiequot; wrote:
gt; Congratulations Roger.
gt; and the original example of 1 Pear being quot;Noquot; would be incorrect
gt; because the wording says there is always one more quot;Yesquot;
gt; than quot;Noquot; when there are an odd number.
gt; Rearranging would be better, but in any case instead of using =quot;@NAquot;
gt; it think you be testing if it is a number or not
gt; =IF(NOT(ISNUMBER(B2)),quot;quot;,IF(B2lt;=SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2:$C$2000=C2),--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B$2000),$B$2:$B$2000)/SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2:$C$2000=C2)
gt; ,--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B$2000)),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; gt; wrote in message ...
gt; gt; Hi Steve
gt; gt;
gt; gt; From your original data, I hadn't considered the scenario where Apples
gt; gt; had a @NA value in column B.
gt; gt; Try instead, the following amended formula
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; =IF(B1202=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B1202lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C1202),--ISNUMBER($B$9:$B$2000),$B$9:$B$2000)/SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C120
gt; 2),--ISNUMBER($B$9:$B$2000)),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; Regards
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Roger Govier
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt; gt; gt; First of all, thanks so much to you both for your response. This
gt; gt; gt; formula amost works.
gt; gt; gt; This is what I get now, see below for an example. for example. If
gt; gt; gt; the formula runs correctly, I'm supposed to get 30 quot;Yesquot; and 30
gt; gt; gt; quot;No.quot; (1,2,...,30 shows quot;Noquot; and 31,32,33,...60 shows quot;Yesquot;)
gt; gt; gt; To be more specific:
gt; gt; gt; In A 1202 I entered the formula:
gt; gt; gt; =IF(B1202=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B1202lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$9:$C$2000=C1202),--ISNUMB
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; E
gt; gt; gt; ($B$9:$B$2000),$B$9:$B$2000)/COUNTIF($C$9:$C$2000,C1202),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; gt; gt; And I dragged this formula to A1268. Then, this is what I currently
gt; gt; gt; see. I checked am I am pretty sure I didn't mess up the formula...
gt; gt; gt; Thanks again, I really appreciate your response.
gt; gt; gt; A B C
gt; gt; gt; No 1 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 2 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 3 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 4 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 5 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 6 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 7 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 8 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 9 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 10 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 11 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 12 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 13 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 14 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 15 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 16 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 17 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 18 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 19 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 20 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 21 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 22 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 23 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 24 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 25 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 26 Apples
gt; gt; gt; No 27 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 28 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 29 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 30 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 31 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 32 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 33 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 34 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 35 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 36 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 37 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 38 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 39 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 40 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 41 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 42 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 43 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 44 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 45 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 46 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 47 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 48 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 49 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 50 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 51 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 52 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 53 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 54 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 55 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 56 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 57 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 58 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 59 Apples
gt; gt; gt; Yes 60 Apples
gt; gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; gt; @NA Apples
gt; gt; gt; quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:
gt; gt; gt;gt; Hi Steve
gt; gt; gt;gt; Try
gt; gt; gt;gt; =IF(B2=quot;@NAquot;,quot;quot;,IF(B2lt;SUMPRODUCT(--($C$2:$C$10=C2),--ISNUMBER($B$2:$B
gt; gt; gt;gt; $10),$B$2:$B$10) /COUNTIF($C$2:$C$10,C2),quot;Noquot;,quot;Yesquot;))
gt; gt; gt;gt; --
gt; gt; gt;gt; Regards
gt; gt; gt;gt; Roger Govier
gt; gt; gt;gt; SteveC gt; wrote
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Hi, here's a challenging issue:
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; What formula could I copy for all cells in Column A so that will
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; automatically show quot;Noquot; quot;Yesquot; or a blank cell automatically.
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Note that:
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; No = the bottom half of a series of numbers
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes = the top half of a series of numbers (for odd series, there are
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; always 1 more quot;yesquot; than quot;noquot;
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; blank cell = for every cell in column b that = quot;@NAquot;
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; quot;@NAquot; is not a formula generated error, it's quot;hard codedquot; into the
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; cell See below for an example spreadsheet.
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Thanks very much for any help!
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Apples
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; No 2 Apples
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 3 Apples
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 4 Apples
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 5 Apples
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Oranges
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; Yes 2 Oranges
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; @NA Oranges
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; No 1 Pears
gt; gt; gt;gt;gt; etc
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
Output in Column A based on Input in Column B