I have a spreadsheet for insurance.
Min benefit in E1 is $10,000.00.
Max benefit in E2 is $90,000.00.
Wage Value is D6.
The formula I am trying to use is:
=IF(D6*1.5gt;$E$2,$E$2,D6*1.5),IF(D6*1.5lt;$E$1,$E$1,D 6*1.5)
It does not work.
For example: wage in D6 is 110,000.00. 110,000.00 x 1.5 = 165,000.00. I
want return of 90,000.00.
If wage in D6 is 3,700.00. 3,700.00 x 1.5 = 5,550.00. I want return of
If wage in D6 is 30,000.00. 30,000.00 x 1.5 = 45,000.00. I want return
of 45,000.00.
Please help.
Forever trying to learn.--
Smurphy's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31233
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=509020One way:
In article gt;,
Smurphy gt; wrote:
gt; I have a spreadsheet for insurance.
gt; Min benefit in E1 is $10,000.00.
gt; Max benefit in E2 is $90,000.00.
gt; Wage Value is D6.
gt; The formula I am trying to use is:
gt; =IF(D6*1.5gt;$E$2,$E$2,D6*1.5),IF(D6*1.5lt;$E$1,$E$1,D 6*1.5)
gt; It does not work.
gt; For example: wage in D6 is 110,000.00. 110,000.00 x 1.5 = 165,000.00. I
gt; want return of 90,000.00.
gt; If wage in D6 is 3,700.00. 3,700.00 x 1.5 = 5,550.00. I want return of
gt; 10,000.00.
gt; If wage in D6 is 30,000.00. 30,000.00 x 1.5 = 45,000.00. I want return
gt; of 45,000.00.
gt; Please help.
gt; Forever trying to learn.
This is your formula as it should work:
=IF(D6*1.5lt;=$E$1,$E$1,IF(D6*1.5gt;=$E$2,$E$2,D6*1.5) )
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35
if statements help