I have a worksheet with a single column of data (dvd list). How can I get
it to print 2 or 3 columns to a page?
Range it (left click hold down, and drag until required area is highlighted)
for say, Column A to C, then within Page set-up under scaling say print 1
page wide by 5 pages tall etc
Keep to one newsgroup when posting, its best
quot;Alquot; gt; wrote in message ...
gt;I have a worksheet with a single column of data (dvd list). How can I get
gt;it to print 2 or 3 columns to a page?
quot;Alquot; gt; wrote in message ...
gt; I have a worksheet with a single column of data (dvd list). How can I get
gt; it to print 2 or 3 columns to a page?
Think Jim Cone has a nice Excel add-in quot;Side by Sidequot; which could help you.
Try this post for details on how to reach Jim: tinyurl.com/9dwlv
Another play to try is to re-arrange the single source col
into several side-by-side cols
(then we could select the cols for printing or whatever)
Assume source list is in A1 down.
Let's say we want to re-arrange the source list into 3 side-by-side cols
Put in say, C1:
=INDEX($A:$A,ROW(A1)*3-3 COLUMN(A1))
Copy C1 across to E1,
fill down until zeros appear signalling exhaustion of data from col A
Adapt to suit ..
xl 97
Singapore, GMT 8
- Jan 24 Wed 2007 20:35