I have created a pivot table that displays man-hour bookings from each
department in a company every month. I have transfered this data onto a
pivot chart so that i can see a line graph that shows the increase of
manhour bookings throughout the year from each department.
I have the department number as a field on the left and the months are
displayed on the x axis. the manhour booking numbers are what is being
plotted in my chart.
What i need to do now sounds very simple but i cant get it to work.
I need to add in a trendline with an average number that has a constant
increase throught the year e.g 250 per month = 3000 by the end of the
year. All i can seem to do is add a trendline that matches the current
data. I want a seperate trendline with my own numbers so i can compare
the booked manhours to my own budget manhour trendline. Can this be
done?? When ive tried adding in the data into the pivot table to pull
accross to the chart it adds everything together!
please help.--
girth69's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=23634
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- May 16 Wed 2007 20:37
Trendline in pivot table